Strive to Be the Person You Want to Meet

Damien Marie AtHope’s Art Damien Marie AtHope’s Art Damien Marie AtHope’s Art Damien Marie AtHope’s Art Damien Marie AtHope’s Art Damien Marie AtHope’s Art As a Axiological Atheist, my focus is positive, validation geared towards assisting in a greater sense of well...

I Want No Child to Go Hungry

Damien Marie AtHope’s Art Damien Marie AtHope’s Art I will no longer quietly accept the things I cannot change anymore; I will speak out seeking to change those things I cannot accept. I was in poverty but my abusive father as an asshole and would not sign me up for a...

Keep Your Religion Out of My Life

Damien Marie AtHope’s Art Damien Marie AtHope’s Art Damien Marie AtHope’s Art Damien Marie AtHope’s Art Damien Marie AtHope’s Art Damien Marie AtHope’s Art Damien Marie AtHope’s Art Religious Discrimination And Employment Policies/Practices “An employee cannot...

The Empty God Box

Atheist Addressing Agnostic Errors Axiological Atheist Addressing Agnostic Errors The Empty God Box In scientific terms a “LACK OF EVIDENCE” is/can be proof of non-existence. As with all things as new evidence is discovered views can change. I can prove...

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