Sexism in Protestantism

Damien Marie AtHope’s Art Inequality in the Christianity Many people think that the Christian Churches are sexist. They to often do not treat men and women equally. The teaching of St Paul is often quoted to support the way some churches today treat women. From the...

Sexism in Catholicism

Damien Marie AtHope’s Art Catholicism Undervalues Women by Frank Bruni MAY 6, 2015 “Like a Pringles vendor sounding an alarm about obesity, Pope Francis fashioned himself a feminist last week. You are not reading The Onion. It was an epic mismatch of messenger...

Sexism in the BIBLE: chapter and verse!

Damien Marie AtHope’s Art “Sexism in the BIBLE” Sexism in Judaism (old Testament) Genesis 3:16 Says that all women must suffer great pains during child-birth due to Eve eating the fruit of knowledge. (As if it is somehow just those humans should not pay...

The word FAITH?

Damien Marie AtHope’s Art Pic ref The word FAITH? Faith is the arrogance of claiming to know things that are unjustified and/or unreasoned because you wish so or have feelings about the belief. Faith is self-manipulation believed to provide evidence but only shows...

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