Angry Atheist?

We all do a lot supporting each other in the cause of a reality devoid of god superstitions. I was once told I was an angry atheist. I said I am not really an “angry” atheist but I am a firebrand atheist, so I am outspoken with passion. My motto is always to try to attack thinking not people. I believe in people. I just don’t believe in gods or religions.

I want to make a positive difference in the world with my atheism. Firebrand atheism, is people standing up against the lie of god and the indoctrination of lies that is religion. We ignite excitement, action, and change in the cause of reality. By challenging, exposing, or insulting the inaccuracies and flawed reasoning, found in faith, gods, and other outdated untrue beliefs or methods.

Like all reason-motivated atheism, firebrand atheists fight for freedom from the mental enslavement found in religious dogmatic-propaganda. The rejection of gods is feared by many, but nature itself lacks any and all claimed magic. Because of the lack of magic in nature means that atheism is not only advisable, but it literally should be embraced by all sound thinkers. Religious people don’t have truth, magic as we know is not real.

So, they most often have a forced indoctrinated Belief, accepting the belief uncritically due to hereditary religion. I too was forced indoctrinated and was accepting belief uncritically due to hereditary religion. I am now free of such chains. I am an atheist, antitheist, and antireligionist and that is against all gods and religion as well as against all pseudoscience, pseudohistory, and pseudomorality.

I have been aggressively harassed by Christian trolls before and I stopped them by demanding the phone number of their pastor so I can talk with them about their toxic behavior. I have contacted their friends to show their vile behaviors and it has worked. Crazier than them? lol

I have been aggressively harassed by Christian trolls before and I stopped them by demanding the phone number of their pastor so I can talk with them about their toxic behavior. I have contacted their friends to show their vile behaviors and it has worked. Crazier than them? lol

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