The faith fallacy is an impairment in critical thinking starting and ending with circular reasoning assuming they are right, such as the act of faith validating faith (Begging the question fallacy); makes jumps in logic that don’t follow logic (Non sequitur fallacy); questionable cause like proposing false cause and effect (Post hoc fallacy); incomplete evidence, suppressing evidence, or selectively uses facts a propaganda technique (Cherry picking fallacy); makes false or misleading comparisons (False equivalence or False analogy fallacy); overgeneralizes (Hasty Generalization or Faulty generalization fallacy) asserts that lots of peoples agree (Bandwagon Fallacy) asks for special treatment or a double standard, attempting an exception for faith (Special pleading fallacy). Contrary to the faith fallacy tactics of using fallacious reasoning to try to persuade blind faith, critical thinkers would try to persuade by offering relevant evidence and valid reasoning, that a conclusion is true or likely to be true. Sound Belief, due to Reason and Evidence? We often face the hard task to inspire others to change a belief due to reason and evidence against it, when they never required reason and evidence to get the belief in the first place. Personal Religious Belief? What is labeled as personal religious belief never stays personal it becomes a mission to spread that same religious belief as an innate factor of the belief. In fact, religious faith is often suggested as a positive path of “acceptance”, “surrender” or “compliance” to achieve a virtuous life in which trusting is then defined as a secure belief in god(s) or religion thus Dogmatic-Propaganda. Religious beliefs often do not even try to hide universal “acceptance”, “surrender” or “compliance” to something they promote it as the ideal. Religious belief, although proclaimed as faith in something, is more universal “acceptance”, “surrender,” or “compliance” to something, such as one’s chosen religious brand of Dogmatic-Propaganda, one’s culture/society, and/or one’s family. Religious belief is Universal Acceptance, Surrender, or Compliance built on the unjust proposition of FAITH! In epistemology, there is justified true belief; however, there is no justified true faith. Faith tries to justify belief, all by itself. So, we must remove faith as it is not justified for the truth of anything, and the problem left is Faith-belief. Religion is Unwarranted Faith and Belief The problem with religion is unwarranted faith and belief. The problem of faith is an invalid justification, and the belief problem is holding an unjustified false belief, believing it is justified true belief. This faith, instead of facts, is seen in all magical, mystical, supernatural, and superstitious thinking or beliefs. Ones who are science-minded, holding to objective methodologies such as the scientific method, would be compiled by the ethics of belief to never put faith over facts. Faith is offered as the justification for belief. As seen in the statement, I believe in god because I have faith. The translation is, “I am using faith (strong belief without or contrary to evidence) in place of facts.” We must not confuse beliefs, religion is beliefs built from myths devoid of corroborating evidence. Science uses corroborating evidence to establish what is true and that offers something worthy to believe.

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