Axiological Atheism Explained

Damien Marie AtHope’s Art Damien Marie AtHope’s Art Damien Marie AtHope’s Art Damien Marie AtHope’s Art Damien Marie AtHope’s Art Damien Marie AtHope’s Art Damien Marie AtHope’s Art It is axiology thinking that truly helps in “is–ought” because the...

Sexism in the Major World Religions

Damien Marie AtHope’s Art Sexism in the Major World Religions I will begin the discussion on sexism in the Major World Religions with roughly the beginning of sexism and how it is evident in all the Major World Religions. From the ancient past, evidence shows that...

His Foolishness The Dalai Lama

Dalai Lama branded SEXIST after he says ‘attractive’ woman should succeed Him “Historically, the population of Tibet consisted of primarily ethnic Tibetans and some other ethnic groups. According to tradition the original ancestors of the Tibetan...

Who is My Hero?

Damien Marie AtHope’s Art Who is My Hero? “Hero: a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.” Is there a hero who inspired me? No, there was no one person who changed my life or gave me the inspiration to...

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