Aren’t you worried that you are too obsessed with god and religion Damien?
I am not obsessed with god or religion any more than a firefighter would be about fires. I wish to put them out as they burn people. I am no more obsessed with gods or religion then a cancer doctor (oncologist) is with cancer knowing that the cure is needed and must be found and until it is found serious effort and methodologies must be used to minimize the problem until it can be stopped, but realizing some may die and others go into remission or full recovery all on their own never to have a problem again. Similarly, I am no more obsessed with gods or religion then a vision doctor (ophthalmologist) is with vision, knowing that achieving full sight is the goal but serious effort and any methodologies must be used to minimize the problem giving as much vision clarity as possible. Moreover, I am no more obsessed with gods or religion then a hearing doctor (otolaryngologist) is with hearing, knowing that regaining full hearing is needed and must be found and until it is found serious effort and methodologies must be used to minimize the problem giving as much hearing clarity as possible.
I am a reality revolutionary (atheist, realist, & rationalist) I am obsessed pseudo-science, pseudo-history, and pseudo-morality (god and religion) knowing that the cure is needed and must be found and until it is found serious effort and methodologies must be used to minimize the problem until it can be stopped. As well as knowing that achieving full sight of real world evidence is the goal but serious effort and any methodologies must be used to minimize the problem of not seeing the evidence, giving as much vision clarity of the evidence as possible. Just as knowing that regaining full hearing of the reason is needed and must be understood and until it is fully understood, serious effort and methodologies must be used to minimize the problem of not hearing the reason, giving as much hearing clarity to the reason as possible.
By Damien Marie AtHope