by Damien AtHope | Nov 25, 2015 | Short-writing or Quotes
Some do not believe in the existence of objectivity. I believe in the temporary ability to apply situational objectivity. Not in universal objectivity in all situations.
by Damien AtHope | Nov 25, 2015 | Short-writing or Quotes
God, the Presuppositional Error First, truly, what is a god, and how can you claim to know about it? Guessing is not evidence, and neither are wild, unfounded assertions that are written in reality devoid documents such as holy books. Atheists do not have to prove...
by Damien AtHope | Nov 25, 2015 | Short-writing or Quotes
“One Day” One day, we will be humanity, free of the shackles of separation. One day, we will be free of the dark postcards of the past written in the suffering and hate of others. One day, we will aspire past the strangling grip of bigotry, racism, sexism,...