A important thing to help reduce/end poverty is to empower the equality of women.
According to the World Bank, more than one billion people today live on less than $1 per day. About 70% of those people are women, and almost half of the population of sub-Saharan Africa survives at that income level.
Women in America are more likely to be poor than men. Poverty rates are higher for women than men.Only a quarter of all adult women (age 18 and older) with incomes below the poverty line are single mothers. In 2007,13.8 percent of females were poor compared to 11.1 percent of men. Women are poorer than men in all racial and ethnic groups. Recent data shows that 26.5 percent of African American women are poor compared to 22.3 percent of African American men; 23.6 percent of Hispanic women are poor compared to 19.6 percent of Hispanic men; 10.7 percent of Asian women are poor compared to 9.7 percent of Asian men; and 11.6 percent of white women are poor compared to 9.4 percent of white men. Poverty rates for males and females are the same throughout childhood, but increase for women during their childbearing years and again in old age. The poverty gap between women and men widens significantly between ages 18 and 24—20.6 percent of women are poor at that age, compared to 14.0 percent of men. The gap narrows, but never closes, throughout adult life, and it more than doubles during the elderly years. https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/women/reports/2008/10/08/5103/the-straight-facts-on-women-in-poverty/

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Damien Marie AtHope
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