“Damien, have you ever given any thought as to how the commonly used terms ‘mum’ and ‘dad’ impact on the status of the child. The child is always called by name, but from the child’s point of view – you never use Mum and Dad’s names. A subtle form of ‘rights and control’ that works for both parties lifetimes. What difference does it make if kids call their parents by name?” – Questioner
My responce, “I think you bring up some interesting points. I can see how actual names should not be compleatly unused as it may fix a believed power dynamic forever but I also can see where names are good. I see that terms ‘mum’ and ‘dad’ can be terms of endearment and could give the security that individuals with such terms are mythologized to be ones that have to love and care fore you, at least physical well being such as food and shelter and safety (not that that always happens).”

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