Harm is Often a Violation of Trust.

Damien Marie AtHope’s Art Harm is often a violation of trust and a violation of expected trust makes bad things even worse, like if I told you a child was killed, you would feel it was terrible but if I further told you it was the child’s doctor that murdered...

“The Hammer of Truth” Process

“The Hammer of Truth” Process  Below I have added the 13 blogs and the sequence they should be read, so as  I believe are in the best order to fully grasp my “The Hammer of Truth” Process. Ontology (Greek meaning ontos, “being; that which is”; and logos meaning...

Paulism vs Jesus

Damien Marie AtHope’s Art Did Paul alway claim to speak for god or also speak from himself or Jesus? Paul writes several declarations and laws that state his views are from him and not God. • “Judge for yourselves what I say” (1 Corinthians 10:15 New International...

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