Philosophy Definitions of “Agnosticism”

Damien Marie AtHope’s Art Damien Marie AtHope’s Art Damien Marie AtHope’s Art Damien Marie AtHope’s Art Damien Marie AtHope’s Art Damien Marie AtHope’s Art Damien Marie AtHope’s Art Damien Marie AtHope’s Art G.O.D. = Group Originated Delusion Damien Marie AtHope’s Art...

Apistevist atheism (anti-Fideist atheism)

Damien Marie AtHope’s Art Apistevist atheism(To me, it is what I would call anti-Fideist atheism): an atheist is one who is not a theist, one who is not a believer; an agnostic is one who lacks knowledge; Apistevist is the term for one who lacks or denies faith,...

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