The sad history of the world has often been little more than oppression by masters, ones that we now call great. You have to make all kinds of choices in life and I chose kindness.
Never forget the person/personal is political as politics are an alter all things are offered to in this life under governments, society, family, etc. Boldly be you.

The eyes of the world predicted my failure but here I am, I am a survivor, No longer do I hide my face, I no longer fear a fall from your grace for I find my courage plain as day in the human race, may I be a good human. May I put truth above all and valiantly thrust a crusade for truth and caring, which will help show love can and will, in the end, win, if only in my black heart so often close to that deadman’s plank. I am a fighter, I don’t need you to save me, I don’t need your empty claims of magic in the world, a stumbling block to many, yet, I am no longer one of them, I am will to power. Say the truth plainly don’t allow pretend but do so with a caring desire to teach as one would to a friend. May I be a caring firebrand atheist. One, with an awakened humanity fully alive in my humanist heart. Desiring to demonstrate my humanitarianism as I fully stand up for truth. It is not either-or but both reality as well as kindness revolutionaries. Ones, who should, be strongly speaking what is right as the truth is not pretended. I am bound by the limitations we all face but may I bravely be a good human past it all…

I am that freak of nature, a power from the anti-power crusaders, warring against the power dynamic to return it back where it belongs- the hands of the people. I am a free-thinking invader into the shell of malignancy infecting humanity which strangles reason out of the world. A proud anarchy theorist, I breathe the fire of the heathens, a thought revolutionary and mental freedom fighter. I am a humanist atheist who desires a better world for us all, one that is kinder, more just, and more rational in its pursuits.

I wish my life to be an expression of love to the world. I don’t what another child to have to overcome their childhood. End Abuse!
Pseudo-logic is all the rage, for that which lacks good evidence or sound reasoning.
Medical Neglect
As a child with parents in a cult, I experienced “Medical Neglect”
“Medical neglect is defined as a parent or guardian’s failure to provide adequate medical or dental care for a child. This is particularly applied to cases where medical care is needed to treat a specific injury or illness, and lack of that care seriously jeopardizes the child’s health. This can also be applied to instances where the child is in need of psychiatric help or emotional counseling, and the parent or caregiver refuses to provide it. Under law, medical neglect is considered to be a form of child abuse and is therefore illegal. Parents who are accused of medical neglect, or not providing their children with necessary medical care, can be charged with child abuse.” ref
What Counts as Medical Neglect?
“There are several situations that could be seen as medical neglect by law enforcement or CPS workers, which could result in charges against the parent. The list that follows is not complete, but will provide you with an idea of what kind of situations could result in accusations of medical neglect:
1. refusing to financially support the treatment required for a child’s acute illness, without a good reason.
2. ignoring the recommended advice of a doctor with regards to a treatable or curable condition.
3. failure to administer prescription medication to a child that has been prescribed by a doctor.
4. choosing not to seek medical help for a severely ill child. This could involve a lethargic child with a fever above 103 degrees, or an unresponsive child who has lost consciousness.
5. refusing to take a child to the emergency room when they have sustained a severe injury, like a broken bone, or deep laceration requiring stitches.
There are certainly other situations that CPS or doctors could claim are medical neglect. But these should cover the basics, and give you an idea of what potential scenarios could end in medical neglect charges.” ref
A little on my life: Video

The Tear that Binds
My mom’s death lays deep in me as if a stone thrown headlong into a dark well of life lost. Tears well in the pools of my eyes, slipping free as if a welling from blow demands they move. Then, there they are, slipping over the edge of my eyes, falling with a heaviness that seems to strangle their way down inside me. I feel them sliding down now, a thousand knives of the past sparkle in my mind. Sliding on, I am unraveled with each new drop. Broken free now, they drip off my chin. How long it seems as they rush their way to the earth below. My head swims, throwing me far past this and I see memories flipping past, I am again lost in time… Mom, I will miss you (2020). Love your son…

Shine Baby Shine!
I talk openly about my child abuse, not to be salacious but as a form of activism against this harm of our children, and to give hope to other broken kids like me. I am not the thing abuse made, I am a shining star of hope arising from the dark stained postcards of my past.

“Child’s Eyes”
I find a sanctuary of hope, in the Armageddon of my life.
I see a sweet young child and I think if we are all born with love.
Where do we learn to hate?
And why?
I look into the eyes of the young child Only finding a gentle love with an uncorrupted honesty.
I think,
how I wish not to know,
I wish only for the innocence of love.
I wish the dark postcards of my heart were blank
but how can a piece of wood turn back into a tree?
How can I forget the pain inside of me?
I wish to forget.
I wish to unlearn.
To be cleansed by love and set free.
I look down into the child’s eyes wishing for what I can never have again,
My own innocence, religion you robbed me of that!

Personally, I prefer to be around people that are either safe for me or are willing to try to be. If what one calls love, lacks respect, few would be convinced that there was love involved.

The Dark Cloud of My Life of Childhood Abuse

Religious Freedom, I think…
I laugh to myself at people who don’t think tribal people could keep it safe. Well, I don’t know, Do you remember what center is you, they pick people off their land, then remove more while filling it with them and call it theirs? I know falling sands are scary but kids it is real and needs to be amended. I don’t know how we think we have done great with land theft and slavery as a foundation of this shameful nation. Not to mention inequality, oppression of minorities, and two world wars. I look forward to it all falling and true humanity rising. But people will say, that is too much. I only think, you mean like when we took their children and cut their hair against their will. They had their stories, language as well as couture, and even their religion, by similar extremists of the Christian faith who demand their and only their, rolly-polly book, and how it should be in school. You, need to remember this atheists, as it is the thing I think of when I hear some angered hate-monger claim desires to make this a nation under their god. But yeah, religious freedom, I think…

Think before you speak, others are listening.
I was once told by my sister that I was ruining the family for exposing my religious dad cheating on my mom. Other words of kindness from her involve me telling her about my sexual abuse to which she sarcastically said, “what? Did mommy touch your pee-pee?”

May I be counted as one among the brave?
Always above everything be teachable and never limit who or what you can learn from. I learned the sweet beauty kindness, after a beginning in life that quite often lacked it profoundly. May I be much better than what was done to me and may I forever be open to learning and not just one type of education, for there is value in both humanity and reason. May I be brave enough to be kind!

End abuse… Please!
I was starved as a small child but I sought out information on what grasses or other similar things around me were edible. I have eaten grass due to hunger. I have eaten dog food due to hunger. I ate random berries I thought could be eaten without being sick and I was limited though, I could only forage from the area I was living in of orange county a part of southern California, inner-city California. I cry thinking anyone could do this to any child and sadly that child was me. End abuse… Please!

Voice for Voiceless
May I not be a silent watcher as millions of children are subjugated almost before their birth let alone when they can understand thought and are forcibly coerced, compelled, constrained, and indoctrinated in the mental pollution that religion can be. So my main goal against religion is to fully stop as much as possible forced indoctrination, one could ask but then why do I challenge all adults’ faith? well, who do you think is doing the “lying” to children in the first place? End Hereditary religion, if it’s a belief, let them have the equal right to choose to believe or not. Religious freedom should not start at adulthood nor should the religious freedom of an adult supersede that of a child who should also have full religious freedom rights.

My mom died (2020) but as an Atheist I don’t believe in any heaven or hell.
Live well now, the only life we get!
I don’t believe in afterlives but if there was such a thing we all go to one heaven as all religions or no religions show similar near-death experiences and only 10% have so-called negative near-death experiences. But from all my studying I have learned that almost all religions today have a shared set of mythology theme connections going back around 7, 000 to 8,000 years ago or so. It was spread far and wide from then to 4,000 years ago. Anyway, my point is that they believed in an earth mother and a sky father but even they got that from earlier ideas and mythology originally around 100,000 years ago. Humans learned somehow or related way from the Neandertals to bury the dead and about something that the humans turned into the persuasion that involves the belief in any spirit afterlife. And science has observed children before the age of 7 does seem to be fond of animistic type thinking. I think it is thus natural to believe in spirits and souls. I also understand all this, so I don’t believe it. Bye, Mom, I will remember your now lost life as memories, for there is no life beyond death.
“We mourn over what could have been and should have been, and death seals it by saying “this is all it is.” – We mourn over what could have been and should have been, and death seals it by saying “this is all it is” – Debra Van Neste

More than the Abuse Done
As I look back on my life it is amazing how much I have changed or become. I suffered extreme child abuse and an uncaring world seemingly favoring an all-out assault on humanity. At 17 years old I was in a world of ever-present danger, to react with acts of aggression, even some violence but not on the weak. I worked for years to become a better me. How wonderful that hardly anyone today can believe such things of me. I am not the thing abuse made.

The cartoon of me is Damien Marie AtHope’s Art
“Damien, I have a question: Who/what gives humans value?”
My response, We give value, as value is an awareness and judgment, it is an emergent property of validation; the ability to use critical thinking and logic in a useful way, to conclude worth, benefit, or good.

My general thinking in relation to my Axiology assumptions:
Intrinsic Value:
(such as human rights)
Extrinsic Value:
(such as relating to its accuracy, truth, quality, what value that is produced, Its use-value, or an added level of its agreeableness or desirability to it)
Systemic Value:
(such as how things may improve or worsen in relation to time. Things like rape rightly motivate our outrage not simply for the harm of the moment of the violation. No, most thinkers mildly inclined towards ethics could see. Such an awareness or expanded effort to understand it could realize that the tragic harm or strain it can have throughout a lifespan. It is this and even more, like how it puts more fear or stress on others who hear of this, see this, or personally/emotionally connected to them. Too many people under such assault to one’s dignity that rape is. And for those victims of such oppression, too often it brings all kinds of potential body shame or self-hatred. Yet it doesn’t end there, others just seem to stop caring altogether. I feel for them all. Not to mention I am sure I would miss some that others could add. Etc., Etc., Etc.)

End Child Abuse Forever!!!
It is not good how many blame children for their reactions to abuse. Truly it is messed up, more oppression, rather than care and help.

Let’s make it simple:
Atheism is the “reality” position.
Theism is the “anti-reality” position!
I don’t need made-up religion or its fake gods.
“Reason is my only master.”
I am Will to Power!

A just society should help its vulnerable people not harass and oppress them.
Housing first. Tax the rich and help the poor and homeless.

Don’t let ANGER become an unethical behavior.
I want to make a difference in the world and try to bring hope and new thinking to others where I can. I also wish to champion kindness as often as I champion challenge in thinking and hope for wisdom as much as reason or doubt. I see it is easier to break others down than help them see a way back up. More than just my disbelief in religion and gods or all woo-woo, I hope people get how much I care about humanity and all the different people who are a part of it. We rise by helping each other. May I be thoughtful and care, as well as seek knowledge and share. May we all be good humans to ourselves and others.

It is just as important to challenge one’s own behavior as to challenge the behavior of others.
I don’t generally assume everyone agrees to the facts and that it is often upon me to help them navigate truth. How can we silently watch as yet another generation is indoctrinated with religious faith, fear, and foolishness? Religion and its god myths are like a spiritually transmitted disease of the mind. This infection even once cured holds mental disruption which can linger on for a lifetime. What proof is “faith,” of anything religion claims by faith, as many people have different faith even in the same religion? When you start thinking your “out, atheism, antitheism, or antireligionism is not vitally needed just remember all the millions of children being indoctrinated and need our help badly. Ones who desperately need our help with the truth. Three things are common in all religions: “pseudo-science,” “pseudo-history,” and “pseudo-morality.” And my biggest thing of all is the widespread forced indoctrination of children, violating their free choice of what to not believe or believe, I hate forced hereditary religion. Religion and its god myths are like a spiritually transmitted disease of the mind. This infection even once cured holds mental disruption which can linger on for a lifetime. I am not the thing abuse made, I am a shooting star blazing bright, shining far pass my past. If you are a religious believer, may I remind you that faith in the acquisition of knowledge is not a valid method worth believing in. Because, what proof is “faith”, of anything religion claims by faith, as many people have different faith even in the same religion? Do you want what is true or want what you believe without concern for what may actually be true?
Am I a survivor?
I fell as you tripped me again and from your hate, I remove myself from such mind and being corruption, freely walking into the gates of love so longed for. You have not beaten me, you cannot stop me, you don’t want me to live, to thrive, to be all the best I can be but you hate and yet I am still here, a survivor, a full life liver, a thriver, as well as a warrior for kindness and compassion, reaching the care I was rarely offered, as a gift to the ones so desperately oppressed under your harsh gaze. May we all be free and the positive best we can be, I know I am as best I can. I am here growing stronger every day. Who am I, you ask, I respond loud and proud, I am a survivor and even in these chains from my past, you will not stop me. Sometimes, we need to see the truth, that many people are liars and deniers while claiming they are believers. Once we stop seeing the dignity of others we feel free to violate them with impunity. But when dignity is a friend respect has become once path. I am a survivor!

“G.o.d” (group-originated delusion)!
I am an anti-religionist, not just an atheist, and here is why summed up in three ideas I am against. And, in which these three things are common in all religions: “pseudo-science”, “pseudo-history”, and “pseudo-morality”. And my biggest thing of all is the widespread forced indoctrination of children, violating their free choice of what to not believe or believe, I hate forced hereditary religion. And my biggest thing of all is the widespread forced indoctrination of children, violating their free choice of what to not believe or believe, I hate forced hereditary religion. As well as wish to offer strong critiques regarding the pseudo-meaning of the “three-letter noise” people call “G.o.d” (group-originated delusion)! Childhood Indoctrination is often the gateway drug, to a life of irrational magical thinking superstitions, like ghosts, gods, or guardian spirits.

If there was a god, then it is evil and enjoys our suffering or an uncaring god that sits and does nothing. Thus, even if there was a god, I would never worship it.
However, I am also for a Free Secular Society. I am not for oppression or abuse of religious believers and want a free secular society with both freedoms of religion and freedom from religion. Even though I wish the end of faith and believing in myths and superstition, I wish this by means of informing the willing and not force of the unwilling. I will openly challenge and rebuff religious falsehoods and misunderstandings as well as rebuke and ridicule harmful or unethical religious ideology or behavior.
On my death, I plan on donating all my writing, art, etc. or anything of importance to atheism or humanism and will give it all to atheist and humanism organizations if they want it.
“Blasphemy is not a crime, it’s even a duty to tell people the lies of religion.” – Gerrit Jan Boerrigter
My brother sent me a picture of my mom and it is so sad, she looks dead already. I can only cry. She is not responsive and her consciousness has already past. Now we simply wait for her body that is left to end. I have researched the religion phenomena in human prehistory spaning all space and time to understand it all and now don’t believe in any religion nor its animism thinking that often linger on even in those that reject gods and/or religions. I am not animistic anymore as I see it as out of our confusions of love and fear. I am fine with just feeling the real things thank you very much for your care but I am not an animist so don’t bother resisting cow even science proves our elements keep living on even if different. I just hear our frailty to want t keep existing. I wan to exist in the positive change I helped add to the world. I know that is not enough for some ut I tell you it means the world to me. I am an atheist I don’t fear any fantasy afterlife anything, rather it is now that means everything. May we all be a shining example of alive humanity. But who am I, just another human experiencing our fragility. We all will die but will all truly live. We rise by helping each other. May I forever be counted among those who do work for a better kinder world. This is it.

It is amazing how much people wish to deny the position of truth.
Yes, you need to know about Animism to understand Religion

(((Content Warning, I talk real about some of my abuse)))
My stepdad had called me about my mother who had been very ill and was about to die very soon. My mom had Alzheimer’s and was unresponsive and laid in bed 24-7 for a while before she died in 2020. I had a rocky time with my mother for most of my youth from her spanking me and then telling my father and then he would spank me again. And she did not stop my father from abusing me either with her knowing him and telling on me anyways to me is more harmful. She also sexually abused me with excessive enemas and put her finger in my ass as part of it, making me feel violated. Then as she too was being abused by my father she had enough telling us she was leaving. I was so happy I could burst. Well, my bubble burst already when she walked out the door leaving me and my younger brother and sister. I was so broken I thought I would die. I had told my sister and brother that my mom told me we were leaving.
How stupid I was to think her saying she was leaving that we would be going with her. Among us children, we had drawn straws, and how overjoyed I was when my younger brother drew the shortest straw… I didn’t go live with my mom until almost 13 and my abuse from my father got 10 times worse. My father even broke my sacrum and tailbone area by spanking me with a 2×4. I was as you would guess a little resentful of them both for a long time but my mother, unlike the scum my father never apologized and strived to make amends to me. So, now I am feeling all kinds of feelings from my past after having my mom die, bringing back up my painful past I thought I had already worked through. I feel for my mom leaving but I am happy she went quickly. I struggle with all kinds of emotions and dark feelings. Having Bias Blindness is easy as biases happen without even trying, however, removing or overcoming of bias takes a lot of work.
So I call on the world to: Do no Harm and do Help
I am a positive person by choice and action and work to improve myself and others if I can. The hard work one puts into self-improvement is a lifetime gift to their well-being and likely that of others around them as well. A lot of people may think my schooling is in philosophy or anthropology but it was schooling for counseling. Thus, because I have schooling in psychology as well as I am an atheist/humanist writer that persuasion is my guiding thinking of things others may not focus on. I am currently about to publish an atheist book called: “The Tree Of Lies and Its Hidden Roots, exposing the evolution of religion and removing the rationale of faith.”

Be a Champion of Humanity
Normalize people being nice to you without assuming they wanna sex. I strive to be nice to everyone but out of humanity, not sex-seeking. I am not claiming to not have sex needs but it is not why I do kindness. I think people of high character should express humanity as freely as others seem to champion hate. I see so many people who fear the plague and yet have a sickness in their humanity that doesn’t bother them at all. I see the ones without fear, the commonly maskless much worse as many champions that sickness of humanity to the depravity that removes all good, not only having a deep sickness in their humanities even than the first but lowly express this same contempt for their own lives. Not to mention their profound depths of selfishness/self-centeredness of not caring how their risky behaviors harm us all.
You can choose to be anything, so please choose to be kind.

(((Warning contains violence, animal harm, and child abuse)))
Here are the three traumatic things my father did to me:
My extremely religious fanatic father in a fit of rage and religious anger because my mom dared to buy a Christmas tree and celebrate a pagan holiday like Christmas in his godly home, my father took a long hatchet or an ax (I can’t quite remember which) and Chopped up the Christmas tree with lights and ornaments on it and presents under the tree. I was around 6 years old, just to add a reference. I actually thought he was next going to hurt my mom or us too, it was terrifying. I was not sure if someone was going to get killed next, he was in such a religious rage. Then with the strings of lights dragging across the floor and ornaments rolling everywhere, he crammed parts of the tree into our fireplace. All three of us kids and my mom were crying but my mom begged him at too least save the presents, saying we can give them out on a different day, PLEASE. He calmed just a bit for a fleeting moment and conceded to only save them to not waste money. The smell was strong coming from the fireplace with the thick smoke of undried wood and pine nettles in the air. Speaking of pine nettles, they were popping out of the fireplace and starting small poofs of fire on the carpet below. now I feared the house burning as hot as my father’s religious rage. So, then I cried out to him Father please put out the fire, it is going to cause the carpet to burn and could burn down the house. He turned to look at me with the long hatchet or an ax. As he turned to me I saw his eyes and felt cold run through me, as he had an evil glint in his eyes like saying, “What would make that a bad thing” but then he seemed to catch some amount of sanity and started rushing to stop the fire that threatened to kill us all.
2. The End OF THE CAT
My father was mad at my sister and got his bow and arrow, gathering us kids into the backyard to be taught a lesson of following his orders, I was around 8 or 9 years old just for reference. I thought in terror one of us was going to be harmed or killed I feared deeply for my sister. There we were my brother 5 years younger, my sister 2 years younger and me standing in a line my father stood a few feet away. Next, he pulled back the bow and arrow and the terror increased he looked at us all individually, my brother and sister were shaking I told them don’t look as my father said I am now going to shoot my sister’s cat. My sister was screaming, “NO, please don’t kill her” while she closed her eyes tight to not see my father’s inhumanity. My eyes were open while hers were closed then to my horror my father with evil glee shot the cat. It went halfway then the cat took off running, scampering up over the fence, and disappeared screaming. My father laughed and I feared and hated him even more than I ever had before. He was a monster.
3. The 2 X 4 SPANKING
I was around 7 or 8 years old just for reference. My father and his friends were at the table. I was playing under the table because they were avoiding me, and I wanted them to play they had been reading the bible for hours and I had nothing to do. My extremely religious fanatic father would not let us have almost any toys nor could we listen to the radio if it was not his religious shows nor Tv at all but one hour a week for a nature show called Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom. Nor could we go to a friend’s house or have friends over either as he wanted to ensure nothing not religious occurred. A side note we did not celebrate any holidays, neither was a big deal made on our birthdays either as my father said all that takes away from glorifying god, and acting as if a human was in some way special. Back to me under the table, I started taping the men on the legs then scampering away so they could not get me. Doing this I only little more than a few hand swats. They were too busy reading bible verses. So, I started hitting them in the legs then one in the crotch. I did not realize how much that hurt I was just playing rough to be noticed. The man yelped and stood up my father asked what happened he said your sun hit my crotch but don’t worry about it he is just a kid I don’t think he was trying to hurt me he has been hitting our legs playing with us for attention.
My father said no he must learn, and I am going to hurt him, so he never does that again. He grabbed my arm hard pulling me into the garage saying I am going to spank you good raging with anger. He had a long wooden paddle he hit me with almost every other day. He was out of control he had me pull down my pants and bend over. I was crying and shaking in terror. He hit me hard a few times then slammed the paddle into a worktable breaking it. I then thought ok it’s over I was punished and now he broke the paddle. No, he was far from done hitting me he had just started. He was even angrier as it broke. Saying don’t think you are now going to get it easy or something like that. He said that the old paddle was too soft of a wood good thing I have been working on an Oak one but haven’t had a chance to test it out yet so you of the three children get to experience it first. I was trembling and already in pain from the hits he had already one. I cried please no but he haply hit me, again and again, each time switching to hit the table with a terrorizing crack saying see this is way better wood. I don’t know how many times he did this, 5 to 8 times, I guess. Then it cracked and was broken too from hitting the worktable. He was even angrier his beloved new paddle. I was sobbing and falling to the ground in pain and fear, thinking what now! He said to get back up there I am not done with you yet. I was scared out of my wits what was he going to use now then I saw his eyes land on a baseball bat size of 2×4.
My heart dropped. He said I am going to use this 2×4 on you and then you will get what you deserve. He hit me and I could hear it cutting the air all the way until it slammed into my rear and upper legs the 2 or so times before my hands went up as the pain was so extreme, like being burned, This was until I in terror put my hands over my rear to shield myself. It was involuntary to protect myself as much as I could. Then the 2×4 slammed into my hands and they almost went numb with pain. He was enraged, saying get your hands out of there then swung higher I will just hit somewhere else that is when with a crack he broke my tailbone and end of my sacrum in my lowest part of my back at the end of my spine it was the most excruciating pain I had ever experienced in my life I feel to the floor in sheer agony shaking like a dying thing. He looked down at me holding the 2×4 in his hand like a bat saying I guess now you have had enough I hope you learned your lesson. I to this day at 48 still feel pain in my tailbone and end of my sacrum. I have had pain shots to help elevate this, but I have never healed right.
Positive Parenting and Atheist Parenting Info
Spanking Debate: Positive vs. Negative Discipline
I am Anti Spanking
Father is an “F” word
Ho Father…
I want you to understand what I went through and how your parenting affected me and what it produced. So you can understand what I want is your shame and what evil you need to make amends for.
You may have been my father but you were never my DAD.
I felt fear as a child because of you.
I had to steal to eat as a child because of you.
I felt stupid as a child because of you.
I had to eat dog food as a child because of you.
I had to go to the bathroom outside like a dog as a child because of you.
I felt shame as a child because of you.
I had to break into my own house as a child because of you.
I had no friends as a child because of you.
I was made unsafe as a child because of you.
I felt unlovable as a child because of you.
I felt everything I did was wrong as a child because of you.
I felt mistrust as a child because of you, wrong as a child because of you.
I was humiliated for who I was as a child because of you.
I felt alone because you had babysitters for my brother and sister and not me as a child because of you.
I learned to value hate over love as a child because of you.
I was abused as a child because of you.
I was neglected as a child because of you.
I was abandoned as a child because of you, you took me to a store and intentionally left me.
I was misused made to be your masseur and slave as a child because of you.
I felt I could never be good enough as a child because of you.
I was made into a secondary dad to my siblings and punished for their wrongs as a child because of you.
I never knew love from my father but I did understand hurt as a child because of you.
I lost my sweet innocence as a child because of you.
I feared life more than death at times as a child because of you.
Instead of looking into my father’s eyes and seeing love, I saw selfish darkness.
You committed many sins against me but most of all your biggest problem is you are selfishness. I think that has more to do with why you committed such atrocities and have the problems still today.
so FUCK You for fucking up me…
In my life, I was rapidly abuse, spanked, hit physically, lacked shelter and medically neglected, not properly clothed, emotionally and psychologically abused, abandoned, severely neglected, starved, etc. etc. etc.
I have overcome a lot, had much counseling but I never got to say FUCK YOU ex-father. You didn’t win. I have….
YOUR ex-son
p.s. This is very heartfelt and raw for me, it is me talking to the fucker that was my father but never a dad. I have not talked to him intentionally for about 20-30 or so years…
“Sometimes we just do what is right even if it is hard but being kind in this way is a gift to your own humanity.”

Grief Beyond Belief — How Some Atheists Are Dealing With Death
“In a society that reflexively copes with death by using religion, grieving atheists are turning to each other. How do you deal with death — your own, or that of people you love — when you don’t believe in God or an afterlife? Especially when our culture so commonly handles grief with religion… in ways that are so deeply ingrained, people often aren’t aware of it? A new online faith-free grief support group, Grief Beyond Belief, is grappling with that very question. And the launch of the group — along with its rapid growth — presents another compelling question: Why do so many atheists need and want a separate godless sub-culture… for grief support, or anything else? Grief Beyond Belief was launched by Rebecca Hensler after the death of her three-month-old son. Shortly after Jude’s death, she discovered Compassionate Friends, an online network of parents grieving the deaths of their children. But even though Compassionate Friends is not a religious organization, she says, “I often felt alienated by assurances from other members that my son was in heaven or by offers to pray for me, comforts that were kindly meant but that I do not believe and cannot accept.” And she knew there were others who felt the same way. (Conflict of interest alert: Hensler and I are friends, and I actively encouraged and supported her in launching this group.)” ref
“So about a year later, she started a Facebook page, Grief Beyond Belief. And the group grew and flourished far beyond her expectations. Once the atheist blogosphere heard about the group, news about it spread like wildfire, and membership in the group grew rapidly, rising to over a thousand in just the first couple of weeks. The group is open to atheists, agnostics, humanists, and anyone without belief in a higher power or an afterlife, to share memories, photos, thoughts, feelings or questions, and to give others support, perspective, empathy, or simply a non-judgmental ear. And it’s also open to believers who are questioning, struggling with, or letting go of their beliefs. As long as you don’t offer prayers, proselytize for your religious beliefs, or tell other members that their dead loved ones are in a better place with the angels, you’re welcome to join.” ref
“By Grief Beyond Belief Founder Rebecca Hensler “Maybe he’s looking up. I don’t know.” President Donald Trump, about the late Representative John Dingell Jr. “I’m preparing for the first holiday season without the man I love. You brought me down in a way you can never imagine and your hurtful words just made my healing […] CONTINUE READING” ref
“By Rebecca Hensler, Founder of Grief Beyond Belief Back to school. The words have so many meanings for so many people… For educators like me, it’s back to the joys and struggles of the school year. For retailers, it’s a season of school-supply and dorm furniture sales. And for most parents of kids between six […] CONTINUE READING” ref
“by Rebecca Hensler, Founder of Grief Beyond Belief Many Grieving Person’s Bills of Rights are now available on the internet, usually modified from The Mourners Person’s Bill of Rights by Alan D. Wolfelt, PhD, Director of the Center for Loss and Life Transition. One thing the various versions have in common is a passage that […] CONTINUE READING” ref

“Dear friend, this is a very dark time and your virtue shines brightly. That you champion many great causes, including scientific advancement in medical care. We are all truly just mortal, having one another and our time here to share. That ultimately, it does come to an end. Alas, emotional intelligence is something of great beauty and great pain. It inspires us to act with compassion and yet at the same time causes us great pain. We can find no comfort in lies that religions offer, there is nothing that can avert such fate… But every day, we can strive to make the world a kinder place. One where we value each other and grasp just how fragile and rare life really is…”

I understand the call religious hopes can bring. I get people have fear. I see it all as a part of our emotionalness. I too can at least connect with the feelings as it is the feelings we all share. This is likely some religious-themed song. I don’t even know the words but the hunting theme seems to call deeply to my grief for the loss of my mother. Here is a link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEizKmZlUAw

I was always different and you looked down on me.
My mom’s passing ignites the theater of my mind where my childhood is stuck on repeat.
I knew I was really different by high school, in how I thought and what things I valued even though I needed years more therapy at that point. And this positive difference was there for all to see, even to the point others voiced how they had noticed. At my school in southern California, the other students would separate into segregated type groups of similar people, for race, music, class, high achievers, artists-writers-creative types, drugs used, gang affiliation, band people, or sports. I interacted with them all. I never cared for the world’s labels all I ever see are fellow dignity beings, just like me, and for this, I have been shunned as odd.

Behave as if YOU Understand…
What we do not understand we could come to fear. Left unchecked what we fear we often learn to hate. What we hate we may seek to destroy! We should seek to love diversity or accept difference not simply fear or hate people because we think they are different or we do not understand them. People are not their beliefs; people deserve dignity and a human right to exist. Whereas beliefs do not have, any dignity owed them nor any right to exist. I do not nor will not respect faith, gods, or religions. However, I do strive to respect people even ones who may be believers in faith, gods, or religions. Simply, I value the sanctity of “human rights” and the dignity of every person to self-define their beliefs and do not just attack people because of what they believe. I say attack thinking not people and work towards understanding and respect even with those we disagree with; although, this understanding and respect does not fully extend to those whose behaviors, that violate people’s dignity and human rights.

God is the three-letter noise, some People use to Justify their Hate and Bigotry
God-Belief in some general ways can be summed up ontologically as a proposed non-empirical-being. Some are further attached to yet more non-empirical proposed things, attributes or behaviors, and events, even thinking that somehow are attributed to this proposed non-empirical-being. And this proposed non-empirical-being god-something is offered for our potential choice of what to believe with proposed non-empirical proposed support as if this is sound empirical evidence. And all I think is, bro, do you know any science and wow, is this going to take a few minutes? God for some, seems reducible to the hate that man has made, is it not time we put this to an end?

Dark Start to a Bright Life
My life story is not comfortable to hear and was much worse to be the person made to be there. Say what is hard to hear, and say what is true. Because through wisdom, I will understand, just what to do.
Let me not forget to say please get counseling if you have struggles. It is not a sign of weakness to have feelings, rather it is that caring feelings we all wish and hope will be driving motivations for those in power because if instead, they seek the power itself we all will suffer inhumanely.
I am ever aware words matter they can build castles to protect or dungeons to torment. Thus I think of all I say critically. Such as what we write, would you feel proud of your support for a victim, or was it just advice-giving to someone, not in a safe dynamic for offering different outlooks? Never think about what would an ethical board say or my next in power, do what is ethical, good, or right. I would like to think as if my life was out for the world to see, naked, bare, every and every action matters, everything including every word. I am not asking for an answer as this is my philosophy pondering to improve my own self-mastery. We don’t like to think about things that feel bad but to get better, that is just the work one has to do. I would say I would stop being so didactic but my mom just died last night (2020) and I am a bit emotional. I see now my path is a friend to all.
I am beyond survival or even thriving I am at the precipice of an enriching human flourishing.
As to my victim/survivor status, I often say, “I am, will-to-power”
“This statement if you don’t know is a prominent concept in the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche, describing what Nietzsche may have believed to be the main driving force in humans. Alfred Adler incorporated the will to power into his individual psychology. This can be contrasted to the other Viennese schools of psychotherapy: Sigmund Freud’s pleasure principle (will to pleasure) and Viktor Frankl’s logotherapy (will to meaning). Each of these schools advocates and teaches a very different essential driving force in human beings. Macht, within Nietzsche’s philosophy, closely tied to sublimation and “self-overcoming”, the conscious channeling of Kraft for creative purposes.” ref
I would just call it a value-driven life, or living and breathing axiological awareness, or simpler to understand one could say that is the embodiment of full self-mastery of one so ego-removed that they truly a friend to the world…
Here is a poem I wrote at 17 years old, I think.
Sitting back I realized all the bad of which I have done.
I am sorry to the world for I am not a mean man.
I am sorry for all the lives hurt by me or any lives I could have ruined for I am not an evil man.
I am thankful at my willingness to change.
Sitting back I now realize all the bad I have done but I can change, and I will.
Long ago I had to forgive someone who allowed me to be abused, myself.
As a survivor of extreme child abuse. I am deeply offended when people say that I must forgive my vile abusers and tormenters. Wrong. I don’t owe those who violated me anything. I am, will to power.
My number one complaint about my experience with mental health therapy, where I believe they failed extremely, was not creating an empowering domain for the victim of extreme child abuse, they were being entrusted to. To me, and I speak with a BA degree in psychology, a natural therapist nature, humanist drive and a humanitarian heart wishing kindness for the world, understand that the best way is to see the client and therapist interactions as a form of letting a person create a safe place in themselves. Understanding that our relationship with them is not as overseers but as teachers, inspiration providers new outlook developers and as always just another fellow dignity being. One worthy of respect and honor. We need ethics and humanity as our guiding light. We are not to just be a listing ear, nor just an advice giver but rather an impossibility remover.
To me, your driving goal as a mental health care worker of child victims of abuse is to strive to be, forever, for them a dragon killer: in other words an impossibility remover. An impossibility remover expresses a “Value Conscientiousness” whereas, a Value-blindness can give rise to Sociopathic evil.
To truly grasp my axiological thinking, expresses a “Value Conscientiousness”, you have to read: “The New Science of Axiological Psychology” (Value Inquiry Book 169) (Hartman Institute Axiology Studies). I hope one day my axiological theorizing is added to the Value Inquiry Books of acknowledgment. Here is the book: link
As a skilled anarchist theorist I deeply understand undue power dynamics as something to be ever aware of. Thus I see there is no such thing as a true leader that is not known as such by everyone else. Because it is no leader that simply demands such a title.

As a survivor of extreme child abuse. I am deeply offended when people say that I must forgive my vile abusers and tormenters. Wrong. I don’t owe those who violated me anything. I am will to power.

Beware artists like me, we mix with all classes of people. lol
Leadership should be earned by exemplary example, never just given away. Leadership, like respect, needs to be earned, not conferred.
Almost all my thinking is my own or influenced by my wife (Shayna Marie AtHope), my best friend. But if I had to pick something that helped me really get moving on my path now it is three books that added in helping to change my life: Emotional intelligence (how to become the most amazing person), Becoming Naturally Therapeutic (how to be therapeutic as a way of life in everything you do) and The Soul of Liberty (on universal ethical standards).
Marquis Amon: “It is in my opinion that Damien only needed to forgive himself in terms of reflection. That this statement is about knowing what he knows now, and who he was in the past. He is a champion of those who are abused(among many things) and he may felt he at least in part failed himself. Yet your abuse was part of the reason you became who you are. “When I saw abuse, I was glad it wasn’t me. Now, I don’t want it to be anybody.” That is what I think he means, failing to stand up for himself. Yet it wasn’t his fault, as a child. We must protect our children, everyone…It is that we can not change the past, he needed to close the door at that chapter of his life, I think.”
Surprise, it’s just Me.
What I mean generally by my saying, “Long ago I had to forgive someone who allowed me to be abused, myself,” relates to when people, unthinkingly, tell me, I have to “forgive!” I say I did long ago. then they ask well then why don’t you talk to your father if you forgave him? I say, oh, now I see your confusion, I only forgave one person in all this vileness as they were not at any way at falt so they needed my support so I have doon all I can to earn that person’s respect. Because I had before like others, unjustly judged him and despised him as well as looked down on him unjustly. They ask well who was that one special person that was there for you when no one else even carried? I take a deep proud slow breath as if the end of a life’s long journey in this question. It seems to shine in my eyes as I lovingly say, ME.
You dare, ask me why I care? FUCK, someone goddamn, had too…
In an anarchist philosophy group I am in someone asked us as actual anarchists, how do we think of anarchism?
Here is my response:
“The deep love of humanity and the humility to realize that I am just another dignity being like everyone. It, to me, is humanity living ethically and humanitarianly. It is the honest acceptance that no one actually owns the Earth thus we must share it communally and fairly as possible.”
May I be so brave that I can be kind, even though the unkindness I experienced. Even pat my limitations and my ego. May I be different, may my care be as if a cup running over. May I champion love stronger than the hate of the world. May my life not just be the movement of change, may I inspire a new set of caring deep thinkers that demand a better world for us all. Life is short, so be as kind as you can.
I am the Goth Lion!

There is nothing weak in me, rather I choose the honored filled life of ones that are kind, my true heroes, I love you all. My humanity champions of the world’s hope, may we all be like you, brave enough to be kind. I am no one special, just a candle in the dark.
I have more respect for someone penniless then one with millions that treat others like shit. I do not give a shit about your illusionary status you think others are classed into. I never followed that dumb shit as a child, why the hell would I welcome it now? Hi there, I am just your friendly neighborhood anarchist-humanist. So, I guess sometimes you refer to me as a globalist or utopian humanitarian. The call of freedom, equality, justice, morality, mutual ade, and humanity does not lessen in value due to how attainable they are.
My people, are the kind.
Value-blindness Gives Rise to Sociopathic evil.
What is so special about Kindness anyway?
Once, I was so foolish, value blind, I added harm, and now, how different I see things, with a value consciousness. I am among the treetops they can’t touch me now for I fly free I love you all but I am just me. May we hear the cry of the silent suffer in oppression, free them now. Kindness my sturdy tower my breath of life in the final hour. Kindness is my favorite lover but let us not forget she is also my best friend. The smile of a life lived in love shines across my face as I smile I remember how far I have come. Kindness is king.
I would take on the emotional weight of the world, just to save one child from abuse.
You have been lied to all your life, YOU ARE VALUABLE.
Can you believe that only 15 years ago, in an atheist meet up in southern California. I was told by the group leader, in front of everyone, well 8 people. He was talking down to me like I don’t have any value at all. I was just taking up space. And that I needed to stop talking so much as no one really cares what crazy ideas you think. Did I say, so you now speak for the group? How is this not seen as a problem? Then he said, with a sarcastic shrug, saying, well everyone has had enough of Damien, right??? Several long seconds went by in cold silence. I was dismissed. I then head, well actually I really do enjoy hearing Damien. Then he grew upset. How dare, anyone, defend me… Everyone just looked around. I said. I appreciate your time and now it is time for me to go. I decided I would do it all on my own.
As always, I will be the better person and strive to stay kind.
Animals, I love them all and they love so much better than humans. I know I am a high functioning sociopath but I never use it as an excuse to not be kind. And, just for the record here, I am a proud Anti-Fascist. Take care.
If you were taken to Court, would you be convicted of a life lived in love?
When I was young I was not shown the beauty of kindness. Now that I understand, I can’t imagine a beautiful life without it. How odd a world we live in, where I have been ridiculed and made fun of, simply because I want a kind world. Hard times can take a long time to heal and are no good to feel, but they have shown me the need to help and the importance of care. Even though the valiant have fallen and the darkness is all but closing in, may love, hope and kindness always win. The world has many paths. These paths may be built with different levels of permanency — leveled, paved roads and built-up sidewalks will last centuries if we suddenly ceased to exist (which I hope we don’t), while paths through the forest or grasslands will grow over and disappear, if not used and maintained. What kind of trace will you leave? I, myself, plan on changing the world. I will be forever honored that my best friend is Damien Marie AtHope. I love people who can see the value of others. If you could change the world, wouldn’t YOU?

My vote, if anyone is asking, is that we give back all stolen native lands, but I know, I scared you. How about we start with Mount Rushmore. I sure want to see what amazing thing they will do with it. Well, as soon as posable, or when you are not busy illegally colonizing. I just hope they don’t treat us as shamefully as we sadly still do, wait, that fucking pisses me off. FUCKING stop that shit now. Now, where was I??? Oh, yea, I am so ever thankful and happy to let everyone off the edge of their seat but Native peoples of the Americas not only have much we need to humbly learn from as we live on their land don’t you know. I think it would only be fitting too. I don’t know, find something great from all the wonderful things in the many diverse tribal cultures. The trib people of this land are the original, do remember, hint it’s not a white man yelling at a person of color, that fool telling them to go home his red gat shining in the sun claims to want to make America great again, so I assume he means return it to tribal peoples. I even bet they give us a better deal on rent than the capitalists. But who am I? Just an anarchist-humanist.

Kindness as a Way of Life?
At times we are forced to defend ourselves or others from harm but this is not an end to kindness. I am kind even when I have to do violence such as bing measured in my response and not continuing retaliation when the threat is ended.
Definitions of Kindness?
Kindness is often to offer underserved care and if it is limited to only that which is deserved or earned then is it really a fully developed kindness? Never forget kindness has power. I have shamed bigots with my kindness.

While hallucinogens are associated with shamanism, it is alcohol that is associated with paganism.
The Atheist-Humanist-Leftist Revolutionaries Shows in the prehistory series:
Show two: Pre-animism 300,000 years old and animism 100,000 years old: related to “Anarchism and Socialism”
Show tree: Totemism 50,000 years old: related to “Anarchism and Socialism”
Show four: Shamanism 30,000 years old: related to “Anarchism and Socialism”
Show five: Paganism 12,000 years old: related to “Anarchism and Socialism”
Show six: Emergence of hierarchy, sexism, slavery, and the new male god dominance: Paganism 7,000-5,000 years old: related to “Anarchism and Socialism” (Capitalism) (World War 0) Elite and their slaves!
Prehistory: related to “Anarchism and Socialism” the division of labor, power, rights, and recourses: VIDEO
Pre-animism 300,000 years old and animism 100,000 years old: related to “Anarchism and Socialism”: VIDEO
Totemism 50,000 years old: related to “Anarchism and Socialism”: VIDEO
Shamanism 30,000 years old: related to “Anarchism and Socialism”: VIDEO
Paganism 12,000 years old: related to “Anarchism and Socialism” (Pre-Capitalism): VIDEO
Paganism 7,000-5,000 years old: related to “Anarchism and Socialism” (Capitalism) (World War 0) Elite and their slaves: VIEDO
Paganism 5,000 years old: progressed organized religion and the state: related to “Anarchism and Socialism” (Kings and the Rise of the State): VIEDO
Paganism 4,000 years old: related to “Anarchism and Socialism” (First Moralistic gods, then the Origin time of Monotheism): VIEDO
I do not hate simply because I challenge and expose myths or lies any more than others being thought of as loving simply because of the protection and hiding from challenge their favored myths or lies.
The truth is best championed in the sunlight of challenge.
An archaeologist once said to me “Damien religion and culture are very different”
My response, So are you saying that was always that way, such as would you say Native Americans’ cultures are separate from their religions? And do you think it always was the way you believe?
I had said that religion was a cultural product. That is still how I see it and there are other archaeologists that think close to me as well. Gods too are the myths of cultures that did not understand science or the world around them, seeing magic/supernatural everywhere.
I personally think there is a goddess and not enough evidence to support a male god at Çatalhöyük but if there was both a male and female god and goddess then I know the kind of gods they were like Proto-Indo-European mythology.
This series idea was addressed in, Anarchist Teaching as Free Public Education or Free Education in the Public: VIDEO
Our 12 video series: Organized Oppression: Mesopotamian State Force and the Politics of power (9,000-4,000 years ago), is adapted from: The Complete and Concise History of the Sumerians and Early Bronze Age Mesopotamia (7000-2000 BC): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szFjxmY7jQA by “History with Cy“
Show #1: Mesopotamian State Force and the Politics of Power (Samarra, Halaf, Ubaid)
Show #2: Mesopotamian State Force and the Politics of Power
Show #3: Mesopotamian State Force and the Politics of Power (Uruk and the First Cities)
Show #4: Mesopotamian State Force and the Politics of Power (First Kings)
Show #5: Mesopotamian State Force and the Politics of Power (Early Dynastic Period)
Show #6: Mesopotamian State Force and the Politics of Power
Show #7: Mesopotamian State Force and the Politics of Power (Sargon and Akkadian Rule)
Show #9: Mesopotamian State Force and the Politics of Power (Gudea of Lagash and Utu-hegal)
Show #12: Mesopotamian State Force and the Politics of Power (Aftermath and Legacy of Sumer)

The “Atheist-Humanist-Leftist Revolutionaries”
Cory Johnston ☭ Ⓐ Atheist Leftist @Skepticallefty & I (Damien Marie AtHope) @AthopeMarie (my YouTube & related blog) are working jointly in atheist, antitheist, antireligionist, antifascist, anarchist, socialist, and humanist endeavors in our videos together, generally, every other Saturday.
Why Does Power Bring Responsibility?
Think, how often is it the powerless that start wars, oppress others, or commit genocide? So, I guess the question is to us all, to ask, how can power not carry responsibility in a humanity concept? I know I see the deep ethical responsibility that if there is power their must be a humanistic responsibility of ethical and empathic stewardship of that power. Will I be brave enough to be kind? Will I possess enough courage to be compassionate? Will my valor reach its height of empathy? I as everyone, earns our justified respect by our actions, that are good, ethical, just, protecting, and kind. Do I have enough self-respect to put my love for humanity’s flushing, over being brought down by some of its bad actors? May we all be the ones doing good actions in the world, to help human flourishing.
I create the world I want to live in, striving for flourishing. Which is not a place but a positive potential involvement and promotion; a life of humanist goal precision. To master oneself, also means mastering positive prosocial behaviors needed for human flourishing. I may have lost a god myth as an atheist, but I am happy to tell you, my friend, it is exactly because of that, leaving the mental terrorizer, god belief, that I truly regained my connected ethical as well as kind humanity.
Cory and I will talk about prehistory and theism, addressing the relevance to atheism, anarchism, and socialism.
At the same time as the rise of the male god, 7,000 years ago, there was also the very time there was the rise of violence, war, and clans to kingdoms, then empires, then states. It is all connected back to 7,000 years ago, and it moved across the world.
Cory Johnston: https://damienmarieathope.com/2021/04/cory-johnston-mind-of-a-skeptical-leftist/?v=32aec8db952d
The Mind of a Skeptical Leftist (YouTube)
Cory Johnston: Mind of a Skeptical Leftist @Skepticallefty
The Mind of a Skeptical Leftist By Cory Johnston: “Promoting critical thinking, social justice, and left-wing politics by covering current events and talking to a variety of people. Cory Johnston has been thoughtfully talking to people and attempting to promote critical thinking, social justice, and left-wing politics.” http://anchor.fm/skepticalleft
Cory needs our support. We rise by helping each other.
Cory Johnston ☭ Ⓐ @Skepticallefty Evidence-based atheist leftist (he/him) Producer, host, and co-host of 4 podcasts @skeptarchy @skpoliticspod and @AthopeMarie
Damien Marie AtHope (“At Hope”) Axiological Atheist, Anti-theist, Anti-religionist, Secular Humanist. Rationalist, Writer, Artist, Poet, Philosopher, Advocate, Activist, Psychology, and Armchair Archaeology/Anthropology/Historian.
Damien is interested in: Freedom, Liberty, Justice, Equality, Ethics, Humanism, Science, Atheism, Antiteism, Antireligionism, Ignosticism, Left-Libertarianism, Anarchism, Socialism, Mutualism, Axiology, Metaphysics, LGBTQI, Philosophy, Advocacy, Activism, Mental Health, Psychology, Archaeology, Social Work, Sexual Rights, Marriage Rights, Woman’s Rights, Gender Rights, Child Rights, Secular Rights, Race Equality, Ageism/Disability Equality, Etc. And a far-leftist, “Anarcho-Humanist.”
I am not a good fit in the atheist movement that is mostly pro-capitalist, I am anti-capitalist. Mostly pro-skeptic, I am a rationalist not valuing skepticism. Mostly pro-agnostic, I am anti-agnostic. Mostly limited to anti-Abrahamic religions, I am an anti-religionist.
To me, the “male god” seems to have either emerged or become prominent around 7,000 years ago, whereas the now favored monotheism “male god” is more like 4,000 years ago or so. To me, the “female goddess” seems to have either emerged or become prominent around 11,000-10,000 years ago or so, losing the majority of its once prominence around 2,000 years ago due largely to the now favored monotheism “male god” that grow in prominence after 4,000 years ago or so.
My Thought on the Evolution of Gods?
Animal protector deities from old totems/spirit animal beliefs come first to me, 13,000/12,000 years ago, then women as deities 11,000/10,000 years ago, then male gods around 7,000/8,000 years ago. Moralistic gods around 5,000/4,000 years ago, and monotheistic gods around 4,000/3,000 years ago.

Damien Marie AtHope (Said as “At” “Hope”)/(Autodidact Polymath but not good at math):
Axiological Atheist, Anti-theist, Anti-religionist, Secular Humanist, Rationalist, Writer, Artist, Jeweler, Poet, “autodidact” Philosopher, schooled in Psychology, and “autodidact” Armchair Archaeology/Anthropology/Pre-Historian (Knowledgeable in the range of: 1 million to 5,000/4,000 years ago). I am an anarchist socialist politically. Reasons for or Types of Atheism
My Website, My Blog, & Short-writing or Quotes, My YouTube, Twitter: @AthopeMarie, and My Email: damien.marie.athope@gmail.com