Proud of Kindness and Caring

I am proud of a lot of achievements in my life but most of all of my acts of kindness and care. I realize that the wisest thing I have ever done was be kind. That said it is often a feat of bravery in a too often harsh and careless world. I feel for and am proud of...

Theism is delusion

To me the biggest delusion of theism is not that they believe god(s) are real but that an all powerful being(s) that can do all things in your life supposedly, at the same time requires its believers to tirelessly push belief or the belief will just fade...

Open Minded

Open Minded I am always open to valid and reliable facts. In fact, it’s the easiest way to get me to open my thinking and get me to amend, correct, or change anything I think or believe, based on valid and reliable reason and/or evidence.

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