HOW POVERTY AFFECTS THE BRAIN “A Constant State of Fight-or-Flight” “Young minorities who are more likely to experience poverty—and in turn more likely to face the cognitive development challenges laid out by science—could end up shouldering another...

Stress: Your brain and body

“What is stress and can it be good for you? Does it kill off your brain cells and can it cause depression? How does your brain perceive a terrifying situation and prepare your body for survival? Your body’s stress response kicks in when you perceive you are...

5 Ways Love Affects the Brain

5 Ways Love Affects the Brain *Hormones go haywire *Works like a drug *Makes the blood pump *Makes brain a little ‘OCD’ *Hormones create attachment “Love might seem to move in mysterious ways, but scientists actually have a pretty good idea of what...

How Hatred Changes Your Brain

“Seeing someone you hate – from that nasty lab partner to your cheating ex-boyfriend – produces sudden changes in the brain, according to a recent study conducted by British neuroscientists. The researchers took fMRI scans of subjects as they viewed...

How anger changes the BRAIN

Aggression causes new nerve cells to grow which can trigger even more rage in the future. “Researchers studied changes in brains of mice with aggressive behaviour. After winning a fight, mice became angrier and new neurons appeared. This in turn appeared to...

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