The picture is of me at around 14-15

I was an alcoholic and a cocaine addict mainly and I have been off them since january 24 1989.

I was sneaking drinks as far back as I can remember. But conclusively, I would say at the age of 13 was the first time I got shit-faced drunk. This would be a new behavior that I would indulge in until my stopping at 17. I first tried marijuana at 14 and excessively added that to my repertoire. By the age of 15, I had tried almost every drug but heroin and had become a crack addict. Cocaine would come and go in my life but what would stay are other drugs and alcohol. Some people have a drug of choice; mine was the sensation of getting high. At 17, I quit all drugs and alcohol on January 24, 1989, and I have been clean and sober to this day. I have been through drug rehab around 45 days of inpatient as well as attended NA for 2 years and AA for 17 years until I realized that I did not want to follow that religion anymore it gave me a lot but I am no longer struggling with addiction and I am trying to live life. I have been to years of individual, group, and marriage counseling, read sober, self-help as well as inspirational books, and worked excessively on myself. I do not believe I have removed my addiction; only found new ways to manage and control my behavior. When it comes to drugs and alcohol, I believe in complete and utter abstinence from doing things to get high. I believe there is nothing so bad a drink or drug cannot make worse in my life.

Do you support Human Rights, Are you a Humanist?

How can one claim to be a humanist and somehow not feel compelled to question all beliefs that oppose human values? Simply the world we live in requires that we care, for if we don’t we still live there but can hardly be thought of as a humanistic supporter.  Sometimes the greatest fight, in an unfair uncaring world, is not to let it change you for the worst. We should be our best and change the world instead. And not to let it stop us from wishing to be as fair and kind as we can. For the world is not only one we live in but one we help create. Let’s create a better world we can all be proud of together, one of freedom, equality, love, and care.

My life; the good, the bad, and the ugly on the road to the Mental Freedom of Atheism

Alcoholics Anonymous as a Cult?, Yes, Of Course, It’s a Cult! and while it helps it also hurts like all religion-themed nonsense has a tendency to do in some way.

THE ORANGE PAPERS: “A series of pages about Substance Misuse Recovery Programs, Real Recovery. and Analysis of Alcoholics Anonymous.”

I was in AA 18 years and once I turned atheist I stopped going as I see it as a religion I am still clean and sober since January 24 1989. I started taking medical marijuana for my nerve damage in my right foot and ankle and back pain starting around 2015  but do not drink and during my last surgery on my ankle removing severe scar tissue and bad bone spurs I was given opioids that I did not take as I still desire to be free of drugs and alcohol from my life as much as possible and as I already had medical marijuana I was able to not have to move up to opium which I was addicted to. I don’t go to any meetings of any type for addiction now but I will give some secular or non-12 step self-help groups available to the public.

Losing My Religion and MY Faith Addiction

I am a caring firebrand atheist, wishing to be hard on ideas but kind to people.

A Different Kind of Atheist:

“Axiological, Methodological, Anarchist, Universal Ethicist, Realist, and Rationalist”

Damien Marie AtHope: Axiological Atheist, Anti-theist, Anti-religionist, Secularist, Humanist, Rationalist, Writer, Artist, Poet, Philosopher, Advocate, Activist, with schooling in Psychology and Sociology as well as an Autodidact in Science, Archeology, Anthropology, and Philosophy. Damien Promotes Science, Realism, Axiology, Liberty, Justice, Ethics, Anarchism, Socialism, Progressivism, Liberalism, Philosophy, Psychology, Archaeology, and Anthropology; advocating for Sexual, Gender, Child, Secular, LGBTQIA+, Race, Class Rights, and Equality.

To quickly understand Axiological Atheism,

it is like humanistic anti-theism and anti-religionism with strong secularism.

I am an Out Atheist, Antitheist, and Antireligionist as a Valuized Ethical Duty.

How can we silently watch as yet another generation is indoctrinated with religious faith, fear, and foolishness? Religion and it’s god myths are like a spiritually transmitted disease of the mind. This infection even once cured holds mental disruption which can linger on for a lifetime. What proof is “faith,” of anything religion claims by faith, as many people have different faith even in the same religion? When you start thinking your “out, atheism, antitheism or antireligionism is not vitally needed just remember all the millions of children being indoctrinated and need our help badly and who desperately need our help with the truth. Three things are common in all religions: “pseudo-science,” “pseudo-history,” and “pseudo-morality.” And my biggest thing of all is the widespread forced indoctrination of children, violating their free choice of what to not believe or believe, I hate forced hereditary religion.

What is Addiction?

First think what is addictions and how do you know them from similar behaviors deemed not addictions? To me, addiction is in general habitual behaviors or thinking that are detrimentally compulsive and interferes with ordinary responsibilities and concerns, such as work, relationships, or health. To me, addiction is best understood in as a “Biopsychosocial” Phenomenon. According to The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) is Canada’s largest mental health and addiction teaching hospital, not everyone who engages in a pleasurable behavior ends up becoming addicted. At many levels, behaviors that can become addictive are either encouraged or discouraged by larger social forces (think of advertising) or by factors that are within the person (biological or psychological). If we understand the ways that behaviors can be powerfully rewarding for people, instead of viewing addictive behavior as inherently bad or totally negative, we can begin to have a more sympathetic understanding of the problems of substance dependence and other addictive behaviors. As the biopsychosocial model suggests, the causes of addictive behaviors are complex, and can include the following:

 -A person usually perceives the behavior itself as being strongly rewarding in some way. The nature of the reward, however, may vary from person to person, and may change over time. Some individuals may be rewarded by the energizing, exciting or pleasurable effects of a substance or of a behavior such as gambling.
-Some people may engage in addictive behaviors because the physiological or psychological effects relieve physical or emotional suffering.
-Addictive behaviors may divert attention from distressing or overwhelming life circumstances. For example, some substances may temporarily lessen the symptoms associated with anxiety, depression or chronic frustration. Unfortunately, many of the destructive consequences associated with addictive behaviors—for example, damage to relationships, finances, self-esteem and emotional and physical health; development of physiological tolerance and ultimately increased anxiety, depression and other symptoms—may draw the person even deeper into his or her addiction. As the consequences associated with the behavior grow more severe, a person feels less able to address the problem. Even when it reaches the point where the person is not getting any positive rewards, the person may keep using to avoid the distress of having to quit the behavior. For example, many people dependent on substances report using substances long after they stop experiencing any pleasant effects.

 “The biopsychosocial approach to understanding substance dependence”

*Biological factors
There is evidence that some people inherit a higher risk of dependent behaviors than others. To have a sibling or a parent with a history of dependence is to be at a higher risk. We are learning more about the biological dimensions of addictions. These behaviors themselves might produce biological changes that make the person more vulnerable to relapsing (returning to the behavior).
*Psychological factors
Any powerfully rewarding experience encourages a person to repeat the experience. There are many aspects of addictive behaviors—including the rituals, the environmental factors, and the thoughts and feelings that are involved—that can help us understand addictive behaviors. Usually, the rewards from these behaviors show up first, while the costs tend to follow later or gradually build up over time. When someone feels a powerful urge, and the reward is immediate, while the negative consequences are nowhere in sight, it is tempting to give in to the power of the moment.
*Social factors
Addictions are strongly shaped by our relationships with other people and through interpersonal processes. Peer factors help to determine if someone will experiment with a behavior such as using tobacco, alcohol, marijuana or other drugs that may cause dependency. Availability affects the risk of a behavior becoming addictive. The increase in opportunities to gamble in the western world has led to an increase in the number of people with gambling problems in the region. Making cigarette smoking in public spaces illegal, along with higher prices through taxation, has led to significant decreases in the numbers of people who smoke. Cultural factors also shape what people consider to be acceptable or unacceptable behaviors. Ref

According to Nora D. Volkow, M.D. Director at the National Institute on Drug Abuse states as a result of scientific research, we know that addiction is a disease that affects both the brain and behavior. We have identified many of the biological and environmental factors and are beginning to search for the genetic variations that contribute to the development and progression of the disease. Ref

Roughly 10% of all people who experiment with drugs become addicted. A combination of environmental and genetic factors influence the likelihood of addiction. Environmental risk factors are characteristics in a person’s surroundings that increase their likelihood of becoming addicted to drugs. A person may have many environments, or domains, of influence such as the community, family, school, and friends. Their risk of addiction can develop in any of these domains. Ref

According to the American Psychological Association addiction is a chronic disorder with biological, psychological, social and environmental factors influencing its development and maintenance. About half the risk for addiction is genetic. Genes affect the degree of reward that individuals experience when initially using a substance (e.g., drugs) or engaging in certain behaviors (e.g., gambling), as well as the way the body processes alcohol or other drugs. Heightened desire to re-experience use of the substance or behavior, potentially influenced by psychological (e.g., stress, history of trauma), social (e.g., family or friends’ use of a substance), and environmental factors (e.g., accessibility of a substance, low cost) can lead to regular use/exposure, with chronic use/exposure leading to brain changes. These brain changes include alterations in cortical (pre-frontal cortex) and sub-cortical (limbic system) regions involving the neuro-circuitry of reward, motivation, memory, impulse control and judgment. This can lead to dramatic increases in cravings for a drug or activity, as well as impairments in the ability to successfully regulate this impulse, despite the knowledge and experience of many consequences related to the addictive behavior. – Adapted from the Recovery Research Institute, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School. Ref

Emotional Trauma: An Often Overlooked Root of Addiction.

According to David Sack, M.D. Research Links Addiction and Trauma. A study published in Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research confirmed what many of us in the treatment field have long observed: A history of childhood neglect or sexual, physical or emotional abuse is common among people undergoing treatment for alcoholism and may be a factor in the development of alcohol use disorders. Abuse was also linked to a higher risk of anxiety disorders, depression, and suicide. Whereas the general population has physical abuse rates of 8.4 percent, the rate for alcoholics has been reported at 24 percent for men and 33 percent for women. The rate of sexual abuse in the general population hovers around 6 percent, while the rate for alcoholics has been reported at 12 percent for men and 49 percent for women. Rates of childhood emotional abuse and neglect, which are often under-reported, are likely as prevalent among alcoholics as physical and sexual abuse and have similar long-term consequences, including increased rates of depression, anxiety, suicide and behavioral problems later in life. This recent study adds to a large body of research linking addiction and trauma. A study of children who attended school near Ground Zero found that the more trauma-related factors they experienced (such as knowing someone who died or fearing for their life), the more likely they were to use drugs and alcohol. And the link wasn’t subtle: Children with three or more exposure factors were 19 times more likely to increase their use of drugs or alcohol. Trauma has been associated not only with drug addiction but also overeating, compulsive sexual behavior and other types of addictions. The Adverse Childhood Experiences study, which is based on data from over 17,000 Kaiser Permanente patients, found correlations between severe childhood stress (e.g., abuse, neglect, loss of a parent, domestic violence, or having an addicted or mentally ill parent) and various types of addictions. Again, the results left little need for interpretation: A child with four or more adverse childhood experiences is five times more likely to become an alcoholic and 60 percent more likely to become obese, and a boy with four or more of these experiences is 46 times more likely to become an injection drug user than other children. The researchers found that the effects of trauma are cumulative and that one of the most destructive forms is “chronic recurrent humiliation” (i.e., emotional abuse in the form of name-calling or ridicule). Ref

The Link between PTSD and Substance Abuse/Addiction

About 50-66 percent of those who suffer from PTSD also battle simultaneous addiction, and the reverse is also true, TIME reports. People who suffer from PTSD are between two and four times more likely to also battle addiction than their peers who do not also struggle with PTSD, the journal Clinical Psychology publishes. PTSD is a disorder that will affect about 7-8 out of 100 people in their lifetime, the National Institute on Mental Health (NIMH) reports. PTSD is brought on by the experience of a traumatic or life-threatening event. When a person is in danger, the brain triggers the “fight-or-flight” response. Brain chemicals are altered, and heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, and body temperature are elevated. Focus and attention levels are heightened and adrenaline flows. A person will be wide awake and alert. This can help a person to escape a potentially hazardous situation, and it is a healthy response to danger. When the stress response continues after the danger has passed, and it is no longer necessary to protect a person from harm, the person may have PTSD. PTSD symptoms may occur in as few as three months after the traumatic event (e.g., car accident, a victim of a crime, death of a loved one, natural disaster, witness to a life-threatening or fatal accident, childhood trauma, etc.) or several years later.

PTSD is diagnosed if the symptoms interfere with daily life and continue for at least a month. Symptoms of PTSD are classified into:

  • Avoidance: staying away from people, places, or things that are reminders of the event
  • Re-experiencing: flashbacks, frightening thoughts, or nightmares
  • Arousal and reactivity: difficulties sleeping, being “on edge,” angry outbursts, or being easily startled
  • Cognition and mood symptoms: distorted feelings of guilt, negative image of self, memory issues, or loss of interest in activities previously enjoyed

Correlation between Stress, Drug Use, and Addiction

Methadone Addiction Substance abuse, addiction, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have a complex relationship that can complicate treatment modalities. High levels of stress can make it more likely for a person to turn to drugs or alcohol as a means of escape. Drugs can increase pleasure, decrease anxiety, and provide a distraction from difficult emotions. When someone feels stressed, levels of GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) are lowered, and adrenaline is increased. GABA is a kind of natural tranquilizer produced by the brain that can also be stimulated by drugs that suppress the central nervous system, like opioids, marijuana, alcohol, and benzodiazepines. Drugs also increase the presence of dopamine in the brain, one of the brain’s chemical messengers that tells a person to feel happy. When the substances wear off, low moods are common as dopamine levels drop. With repeated drug use, it will become harder and harder for the brain to keep regulating amounts of dopamine, adrenaline, and GABA normally. Drug cravings and uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms, including anxiety, depression, insomnia, and irritability, can make it more difficult for a person to stop using drugs as dependence sets in. Significant drug dependence and the onset of withdrawal symptoms often lead to a loss of control over drug use or addiction. Chronic stress can interfere with a person’s impulse control, learning, and memory functions. Drugs can become a coping mechanism or a method of self-medication for the symptoms of PTSD and for stress, and regular drug use can interfere with some of the same regions of the brain, and brain chemicals, that high amounts of stress can. Young brains that are not fully developed may be at a higher risk for developing PTSD as a result of trauma as well as for addiction later in life as the result of early exposure to drug abuse. A stressful environment, biology, and genetics can also play a part in the formation of both disorders. PTSD and drug use commonly co-occur with other mental health disorders, and the Current Psychiatric Reports publishes that influences related to genetics in major depression, panic disorder, addiction, and generalized anxiety share up to 60 percent of the genetic variance seen in PTSD. Parts of the brain that make a person more vulnerable to developing PTSD after a stressful or traumatic event may then be similar to those that may predispose a person to addiction. In addition, chronic stress heightens a person’s vulnerability to addiction and makes them more prone to relapse, the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences reports.

Co-Occurring PTSD and Addiction

Alcohol and drugs may provide a temporary respite from PTSD symptoms and help a person to avoid painful memories associated with trauma. As the drugs wear off, however, levels of stress and PTSD symptoms are often worsened. Drinking or doing drugs can also interfere with decision-making abilities and increase risk-taking behaviors, putting a person at a higher risk for being involved in an accident, being the victim of a crime or violence, or suffering trauma. Thus, substance abuse may contribute to the onset of PTSD just as PTSD symptoms can induce a person to abuse drugs or alcohol for self-medication purposes. Drug withdrawal symptoms can exacerbate PTSD symptoms, worsening the disorder and making it more difficult to stop using drugs. In a similar fashion, abusing drugs or alcohol as a method of coping with PTSD symptoms delays treatment progress and may make PTSD symptoms last longer, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) warns. Studies of inpatient substance abuse treatment centers have found that half of all of those receiving treatment for addiction also suffered from simultaneous PTSD, the American Psychological Association (APA) reports. Ref

My Recovery from Addiction

Here are some non-AA Groups

  • Moderation Management: link
  • LifeRing Secular Recovery: link
  • SMART Recovery: Self Management Recovery Training: link
  • S.K.I.P. Sobriety – Knowledge is Power: link
  • “SOS” Secular Organizations for Sobriety: link
  • Rational Recovery: link
  • Women For Sobriety: link
  • Secular AA: link

My Addiction

I have had a full life that started with many hardships and poor choices where I was finally faced with a choice to either change and lives or stay the same and die. I am alive and thriving due to the choice of life and change I not only made so long ago but for the vigilance to improve and change I hold dear every day. Now in my life, though struggles never truly go away I have had many triumphs and accomplishments to light my way. Now I am creating a bright future, riding my success, and living my dreams. I conquered drug and alcohol addiction as well as aggressive antisocial behavior with 12 step programs, counseling, and ethical enlightened thinking. In my life, it was a surprise to most that I finished high school and did not end up in prison. I wish to make a difference in others’ lives to give back what was given to me. I wish to bring about change in myself and others. On January 24, 1989, I was admitted into an addiction rehab against my will I had just withdrawn from drugs and alcohol and I was faced with a barrage of suppressed emotions. Were the emotions good or bad is not the question. These emotions are an honest account of my reality, which was ever changing. I had realized what I had missed of life by suppressing my feelings. For the first time in my life, I started to be willing, listening, and acting on the advice from others. These actions created such intense emotions that I had never experienced before. In the past, I had masked my feelings and emotions with a life full of chemicals and anger but now I had to work through things, and I do.

On January 24, 1989, I was admitted into an addiction rehab against my will I had just withdrawn from drugs and alcohol and I was faced with a barrage of suppressed emotions. Were the emotions good or bad is not the question. I had masked my feelings and emotions with a life full of chemicals and anger. I wrote poems that helped me to clarify by identifying my emotions. The poems broke through my stagnant existence of detachment. These poems released my inner self so I could see my hidden pain and find the inner truth. I have become the person I have always wanted to be somewhat by the enlightenment expressed in my poems. Here are a few poems to bring you closer to the understanding of Drugs and Alcohol in my life. Experience a life full of chemicals. Learn with me just what a life bent on such destruction is like and experience my awakening through sobriety. In getting some sober days one needs to think what am I going to do differently to get what I want or are you just going to do the same. Did you think about what you want is being sober a wish, a should, a need, or a life plan. It makes a difference for me it was a life plan I said to my self I was never going to do it again to me if I want to kill my self I won’t keep doing it slowly be drinking and using I would rather just do it quickly but I have no interest in killing my self so I don’t. It is not a being issue about staying sober it is a thinking issue. If nothing changes nothing changes. Just stopping only fixes the removal of the intoxicant, not the addiction. Even a practicing user gets moments of sobriety so not using in its self is marginal at best. If it is not followed by a true thinking change. And it’s funny how the level of intelligence has no bearing on seeing the need to change oneself. It is truly a matter of surrender if I always point fingers to see where others fail I will not see where they can help. If I am always to busy trying to be heard I will forget the need to listen.

Here are three poems on that:

“Don’t Tell

Don’t tell me what to do! Don’t want to stop, screw you! I don’t care if I am an alcoholic. If I am that’s why I drink! Don’t tell me what I must think. I don’t want to quit. I am not a quitter. I heard it all blah, blah, blah. Like a thousand cuts, They taunt me. They want me to quit! I don’t give a shit. Drinking and Drugs are my only release, Just give me peace! I am not hurting anyone, Just myself, my health. Don’t tell me what to do! I will do what I want! Don’t bring me down! I am doing good, And if I am not, I Don’t Tell…

“One More”

Just let Me have, “ONE” More. One more time, Let Me be Free! Let me forget the pain Inside of me. Please let Me have “ONE” more, Try of the devils tail. Give Me Just one more, Coffin nail. See My Bondage IS My Freedom. This Death walk IS My life! Just “ONE” more, Maybe this time, It will be Alright?

“One Last Cry”

Cold, alone, scared I lay in wait. I know not where I am? I feel funny. I can’t remember. Through my eyes, all I see is a dark haze of distorted life, what have I done? Then it comes. Hard sharp piercing pain, ripping through my being, I remember, I just? Yes! NOW I remember! I was drinking and using drugs… Why do I feel so cold? Oh no, did I die? I try to move, but my body just lay still. In fear, I now panic and struggle for movement, but nothing changes… I am trapped in a cell of dead flesh. I cry No, maybe someone will hear. But no one can hear my pleas… Now let in an eerie darkness of my own making, I ask fate. If you would only spare me, I would quit. All there is, is dark silence… It is too late! I cry I am “So Sorry”!!!

Here are: Secular Addiction Resources

The art of know yourself, love yourself, be yourself?

The art of knowing yourself: this involves getting to the place of knowing oneself they, which they must first understand why knowing oneself is important, as well as how to comprehend they don’t already know themselves or that most people don’t know themselves even if they think they do.

The art of loving yourself: this involves getting to the place of knowing oneself they, which they must first understand why knowing one’s self is important, as well as how to comprehend they don’t already know them self or that most people don’t know themselves even if they think they do. First one must think about what love looks like wouldn’t it be a growth-producing or would it build self-enlightenment and self-truth? Do you feel I or anyone can define your truth (about who you are)? If someone defined truth for you would you really own it? Wouldn’t it make more sense instead for me to broaden your ability to see the question? First, would you think a question like this of such a personal relevance has right answers? To start thinking on what love is would we look at are fallible behavior or some philosophical definition? If we look at our relations with others could we be convicted of loving? If we wish for a philosophical definition of love what realities does it hold in our real lives? Is love a feeling or a behavior? If we look at love as feeling what emotional substance does it stem from? If we look at love as behavior is it fixed in the behaviors of others?

The art of being yourself: this involves getting to the place of being oneself, which they must first understand why knowing one’s self is important, as well as how to comprehend they don’t already know them self or that most people don’t know themselves even if they think they do. Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. Being yourself is celebrating you, as an individual – learning to express yourself and be happy with who you are. Define yourself by yourself: You can’t be yourself if you don’t know, understand, and accept yourself first. It should be your primary goal to find this out. Be YOU authentically: don’t put too much care about how other people perceive you including your parents or family. The fact is, it really doesn’t matter in the long run and lf love must be bought bartered for or molded to be received, is it a love worth having. It’s impossible to be yourself when you’re caught up in wondering “Do they like or accept me?” To be yourself, you’ve got to let go of these concerns and just let your behavior flow, with only your consideration of others as a lens to reference with not own as your own. Don’t Hide: everyone is unique has quirks as well as imperfections; we are all at different stages in life. Be honest with yourself, but don’t be too hard on yourself; apply this philosophy to others, as well. There is a difference between being critical and being honest; learn to watch the way you say things to yourself and others. Own who you are: if you’re always working to be someone you’re not, you’ll never be a happy person. Be yourself and show the world you’re proud of the way you are! Nobody knows you better than you and that’s how it should be. You deserve to be your own best friend, so start trying to figure out how you can do that. If you had to hang out with yourself for a day, what is the most fun type of person you could be, while still being yourself? What is the best version of you? Believe in this idea and use that as your starting point. And how we use this thinking to change how we interact with others is, Knowing society, Loving the Humanity of Society, and Being the Humanity in Society.

A Rational Mind Values Humanity and Rejects Religion and Gods

A truly rational mind sees the need for humanity, as they too live in the world and see themselves as they actually are an alone body in the world seeking comfort and safety. Thus, see the value of everyone around them as they too are the same and therefore rationally as well a humanistically we should work for this humanity we are part of and can either dwell in or help its flourishing as we are all in the hands of each other. You are Free to think as you like but REALITY is unchanged. While you personally may react, or think differently about our shared reality (the natural world devoid of magic anything), We can play with how we use it but there is still only one communal reality (a natural non-supernatural one), which we all share like it or not and you can’t justifiably claim there is a different reality. This is valid as the only one of warrant is the non-mystical natural world around us all, existing in or caused by nature; not made or caused by superstitions like gods or other monsters to many still fear irrationally.

Axiological Morality Critique of Pseudo-Morality/Pseudomorality?

Religions Promote Pseudo-Morality

As an axiological atheist, I understand and utilize value or actually “Value Consciousness” to both give a strong moral “axiological” argument (the problem of evil) as well as use it to fortify my humanism and positive ethical persuasion of human helping and care. Value-blindness gives rise to sociopathic evil.

No God: No evidence, No intelligence, and No goodness = Valid Atheism Conclusion

  1. No evidence, to move past the Atheistic Null Hypothesis: There is no God/Gods (in inferential statistics, a Null Hypothesis generally assumed to be true until evidence indicates otherwise. Thus, a Null Hypothesis is a statistical hypothesis that there is no significant difference reached between the claim and the non-claim, as it is relatively provable/demonstratable in reality some way. “The god question” Null Hypothesis is set at as always at the negative standard: Thus, holding that there is no God/Gods, and as god faith is an assumption of the non-evidentiary wishful thinking non-reality of “mystery thing” found in all god talk, until it is demonstratable otherwise to change. Alternative hypothesis: There is a God (offered with no proof: what is a god and how can anyone say they know), therefore, results: Insufficient evidence to overturn the null hypothesis of no God/Gods.
  2. No intelligence, taking into account the reality of the world we do know with 99 Percent Of The Earth’s Species Are Extinct an intelligent design is ridiculous. Five Mass Extinctions Wiped out 99 Percent of Species that have ever existed on earth. Therefore like a child’s report card having an f they need to retake the class thus, profoundly unintelligent design.
  3. No goodness, assessed through ethically challenging the good god assumptions as seen in the reality of pain and other harm of which there are many to demonstrates either a god is not sufficiently good, not real or as I would assert, god if responsible for this world, would make it a moral monster ripe for the problem of evil and suffering (Argument from Evil). God would be responsible for all pain as life could easily be less painful and yet there is mass suffering. In fact, to me, every child born with diseases from birth scream out against a caring or loving god with the power to do otherwise. It could be different as there is Congenital insensitivity to pain (CIP), also known as congenital analgesia, in which a person cannot feel (and has never felt) physical pain.[1]

I am an Axiological (Theoretical and Normative VALUE Theorist philosopher) Atheist

Axiology and Value Theory?

“Value theoryis a range of approaches to understanding how, why, and to what degree persons value things; whether the object or subject of valuing is a person, idea, object, or anything else. This investigation began in ancient philosophy, where it is called axiology or ethics.”– Wikipedia

“The term “Value Theory” is used in at least three different ways in philosophy. In its broadest sense, “value theory” is a catch-all label used to encompass all branches of moral philosophy, social and political philosophy, aesthetics, and sometimes feminist philosophy and the philosophy of religion — whatever areas of philosophy are deemed to encompass some “evaluative” aspect. In its narrowest sense, “value theory” is used for a relatively narrow area of normative ethical theory particularly, but not exclusively, of concern to consequentialists. In this narrow sense, “value theory” is roughly synonymous with “axiology”. Axiology can be thought of as primarily concerned with classifying what things are good, and how good they are. For instance, a traditional question of axiology concerns whether the objects of value are subjective psychological states or objective states of the world. But in a more useful sense, “value theory” designates the area of moral philosophy that is concerned with theoretical questions about value and goodness of all varieties — the theory of value. The theory of value, so construed, encompasses axiology, but also includes many other questions about the nature of value and its relation to other moral categories. The division of moral theory into the theory of value, as contrasting with other areas of investigation, cross-cuts the traditional classification of moral theory into normative and metaethical inquiry, but is a worthy distinction in its own right; theoretical questions about value constitute a core domain of interest in moral theory, often cross the boundaries between the normative and the metaethical, and have a distinguished history of investigation.” – (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

Axiological atheism can be thought to involve ethical/value theory reasoned and moral argument driven apatheism, ignosticism, atheism, anti-theism, anti-religionism, secularism, and humanism. The valuations move up the latter as the levels of evaluation is made to value judge all the elements to better understand the value or disvalue available to reach the most accurate valuation reasonable with a sound aware value conciseness. Axiological atheism can be thought to involve Ethical Atheism.

Below shows the 7 axiological atheism argument flow to show the value layers and my thoughts on it:

1. Apatheismwe are born and by the fact reality is devoid of magic removes theological desires to understand the obvious naturalistic world, until we learn otherwise. (a “presumptive-value” failure, thus no motivation to adequately start the evaluation needed to understand if there is real value for an Axiology assessment to accurately place it in the value hierarchy). = no value

2. IgnosticismSees theological arguments and language as equivocation, contradictory, and/or un-cognitively relatable other than emotionalism or the like. I see Ignosticism as using the Theological non-cognitivism arguments of “mind understanding issues” (rationalism challenging) and an evidentialist/verificationist arguments of “lacking evidence issues” (empiricism challenging). As an atheist, I am a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of god or gods. In my non-belief, I am also ignostic feeling that every theological position assumes too much about the concept of god(s). As an ignostic, I am a person who rational no idea of anything from reality whatever to label as “a concept of god” thus I can say I have no idea of anything that can connect to the term god and no reason to think anyone else can either. (again a “presumptive-value” failure, no good  Ontology of the thing for Identifying values that could influence belief but without what is needed to  understand if there is real value for an axiology assessment to accurately place it in the value hierarchy). = no value

3. AtheismHow can we not reject the concept of gods, aka: supposed supreme magical beings, when not even some simple magic is supported in reality. So how then is it not even more ridiculous to claim some supreme magic aka: gods which are even further from reality. May I remind you that faith in the acquisition of knowledge is not a valid method worth believing in. Because, what proof is “faith”, of anything religion claims by faith, as many people have different faith even in the same religion? As an atheist, I am a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of god or gods. In my non-belief, I am also ignostic feeling that every theological position assumes too much about the concept of god(s). As an ignostic, I am a person who rational no idea of anything from reality whatever to label as “a concept of god” thus I can say I have no idea of anything that can connect to the term god and no reason to think anyone else can either. Atheists talk about gods and religions for the same reason doctors talk about cancer, they are looking for a cure or a firefighter talking about fires because they burn people and they care to stop them. We atheists too often feel a need to help the victim’s of mental slavery, held in the bondage that is the false beliefs of gods and the conspiracy theories of reality found in religions. If you think you believe in a god, “what do you mean by god,” saying a name tells me not one thing about the thing I am asking to know “its” beingness / thingness / attributes / qualities. Thus, what is the thing “god” to which you are talking about and I want you to explain its beingness /thingness / attributes/ qualities? Religious/theistic people with supernatural beliefs often seem as though they haven’t thought much about and that is something we can help using ontology questions about the beingness / thingness / attributes/ qualities they are trying to refer too. What do you mean by god, when you use the term god? And, I am not asking you for the name you attach to the thing you label as a god. I don’t need to know what the god you believe is known “by.” I am asking, what is the thing you are naming as a god and what that thing is, its qualities in every detail like all things have if they are real. Are you just making stuff up or guessing/hoping or just promoting unjustified ideas you want to believe, what is a god? As an atheist, I feel more wonder than I did as a theist because I thought, “big deal” to any wonder I experienced, thinking god could do anything. So with such an unrealistic mindset, everything lost its wonder but it’s the opposite as an atheist. As a theist, the world was full of superstitions and supernatural magic possibilities and thus utilized thinking that was not in the real world. As an atheist all I have now is the real world, not that all atheists seem to get this, we all are in a real world devoid of magic anything, therefore, everything adds to my feeling of awe. There should be little debate with atheist acknowledging discernable reality compared to theists with non-reality claims. Yes, I have way more awe and wonder as an atheist than I ever had as a theist because as a theist anything was possible with god. Therefore, as a theist things where not that amazing. However, as an atheist grasping what an absolute accidental or how random things are, with a 95 to 99 % of all life ever existing on this planet went extinct. I am thoroughly amazed we are even here the evolved children of ancient exploded stars, likely born in galaxies born in super-massive black holes, it’s all amazing. There is no evidence for Gods. But is their proposition outside of reason? As always start in reality from the evidence we do know, such as never in the history of scientific research or investigation has any supernatural claims shown to be true. So it is completely outside of possibility and is utterly ridiculous. Therefore, belief should be rejected as there are no warrants at all and it is axiologically unworthy to such a preponderance to demand disbelief. (yet again a “presumptive value” failure, no good Ontology of the thing not the cognitively meaningful claims relatable to reality that must be attached to all magic and gods claims for Identifying values that could influence belief but without what is needed to  understand if there is real value  for an axiology assessment to accurately place it in the value hierarchy). 

4. AntitheismAnti-theism requires more than either merely disbelieving in gods or even denying the existence of gods. Anti-theism requires a couple of specific and additional beliefs: first, that theism is harmful to the believer, harmful to society, harmful to politics, harmful, to culture, etc.; second, that theism can and should be countered in order to reduce the harm it causes. If a person believes these things, then they will likely be an anti-theist who works against theism by arguing that it be abandoned, promoting alternatives, or perhaps even supporting measures to suppress it. It’s worth noting here that, however, unlikely it may be in practice, it’s possible in theory for a theist to be an anti-theist. This may sound bizarre at first, but remember that some people have argued in favor of promoting false beliefs if they are socially useful. To me, I think many may have a misconception of the term. Atheism and anti-theism so often occur together at the same time and in the same person that it’s understandable if many individuals fail to realize that they aren’t the same. Making a note of the difference is important, however, because not every atheist is anti-theistic and even those who are, aren’t anti-theistic all the time. Atheism is simply the absence of belief in gods; anti-theism is a conscious and deliberate opposition to theism. Many atheists are also anti-theists, but not all and not always. To me as an antitheist, I see the concept of gods antihumanistic and wholly harmful to a free humanity and if the so-called gods somehow do end up being real that I will switch to direct opposition as I would any tyrant oppressing humanity. Antitheism (sometimes anti-theism) is a term used to describe an opposition to theism. The term has had a range of applications and definitions. In secular contexts, it typically refers to direct opposition to the validity of theism, but not necessarily to the existence of a deity. As an anti-theist, I am a person who is active in opposition to theism: both the concepts of god(s) as well as the religions that support them. This is because theistic concepts and theistic religions are harmful and that even if theistic beliefs were true, they would be undesirable. (And, again a “presumptive value” failure, of the other value challenges of the lesser evaluations and value judgments addressed in the apatheism, ignosticism, atheism value judgment conclusion and an Axiological Atheism assessment of the god concept that must be attached to all magic and gods claims Identifying a lack of value and/or disvalue that influence harm to real value in an axiology assessment to accurately place its value violations in the value hierarchy). 

5. AntireligionismNot just Atheist, axiological atheists should be antitheists but this generally will involve anti-religionism. it would generally thus hold anti-religionist thinking. Especially, I am an anti-religionist, not just an atheist, and here is why summed up in three ideas I am against. And, in which these three things are common in all religions: “pseudo-science”, “pseudo-history”, and “pseudo-morality”. And my biggest thing of all is the widespread forced indoctrination of children, violating their free choice of what to not believe or believe, I hate forced hereditary religion. And my biggest thing of all is the widespread forced indoctrination of children, violating their free choice of what to not believe or believe, I hate forced hereditary religion. As well as wish to offer strong critiques regarding the pseudo-meaning of the “three letter noise” people call “G.o.d” (group originated delusion)! As an anti-religionist, I am a person who can look at religion on the whole and see it is detrimental to the progress of humanity thus am in opposition to all and every religion, not even just opposition to organized religion. In case you were wondering, I am anti-pseudoscience, anti-supernatural, and anti-superstition as well. May I not be a silent watcher as millions of children are subjugated almost before their birth let alone when they can understand thought and are forcibly coerced, compelled, constrained, and indoctrinated in the mental pollution that religion can be. My main goal against religion is to fully stop as much as possible forced indoctrination, one could ask but then why do I challenge all adults faith? well, who do you think is doing the lying to children in the first place. End Hereditary religion, if its a belief let them the equal right to choose to believe. “Religion is an Evolved Product” and Yes, Religion is Like Fear Given Wings…  (And, one last time a “presumptive value” failure, of the other value challenges of the lesser evaluations and value judgments addressed in the apatheism, ignosticism, atheism value judgment conclusion and an Axiological Atheism assessment of the god concept and anti-theism  assessment of the god show not just a lack of value but a possibly or likely harm demonstrating bot just a lack of value but a real disvalue and that includes the religions potentially removing value  in an axiology assessment to accurately place it in the value hierarchy). 

6. Secularismis the only honorable way to value the dignity of others. If it was not true that there is a large unequal distribution of religion contributing to violence then there would be equal religion and atheist secularism violence. You do not see atheists bombing agnostics the very idea is laughable however even different branches of the same religion do will and have killed one another. So, violence not who we are it’s something we need to be compelled to do. Therefore, please support secularism. We are all one connected human family, proven by DNA showing we should treat each other as fellow dignity beings, supported equally (no gods and no masters). States may often have powers, but only citizens have the glue of morality we call rights. And, as they say, in my “dream society”, lots of things are free (aka. planting free food everywhere, free to everyone); but I wonder what you mean when people say you can’t just let things be free, I think, yeah, how can I take free stuff from a free earth. If one observes the virtues of (T. R. U. E. “The Rational Universal Ethics” or “The Responsible Universal Ethics”) that connect to all things as that of the connectedness equality like those which mirror the rays of the sun, fall down equally with a blind but fair indifference. (what is being expressed is that this sun shining will not favor one over another, no, the same upon everyone offering its light to all plant, animal, human, women, men, single or married, homosexual, bisexual, heterosexual, nonreligious, religious, people of means and those without, able-bodied and those which special needs, people of color, and those who are not, those with access to resources and those which out, young and elderly, etc.) All who wish to follow T. R. U. E. thus embodying a universalize equalitarian standard of ethics should strive to be like a ray of connected light to the world, shining equally and freedom to all of the world. By such efforts a nonbiased unitive ethical approach is possible, one would have an increase in positive feelings to help others understanding equalitarian connectedness. If you don’t think different you will not behave differently, if you have never lived differently it is hard to see things differently and if you do not strive to understand difference one is thus unknowingly or not bound by limited encapsulation. I am for a Free Secular Society. I am not for oppression or abuse of religious believer and want a free secular society with both freedoms of religion and freedom from religion. Even though I wish the end of faith and believing in myths and superstition, I wish this by means of informing the willing and not force of the unwilling. I will openly challenge and rebuff religious falsehoods and misunderstanding as well as rebuke and ridicule harmful or unethical religious ideology or behavior.

7. Humanismis the philosophic thinking that humans can solve human problems by human means, without feeling a need to appeal to the likes of holy books, mystical anything, nor the belief in gods or religions. But, instead, aspires to a true belief in humanity, viewing it with a persuasion of equality. This caring realist thinking found in humanism utilizes an unstated assumption or aspiration, to do no harm as much as possible and to do good whenever one can. Moreover, we are all one connected human family, proven by DNA showing we should treat each other as fellow dignity beings, supported equally. And, no one really owns the earth, we may make claims to it even draw lines on maps thinking this makes the fantasy borders, illusion supported by force and the potential for threat. Thus the ethical truth is we need to share the earth as communally as possible. And use the resources as safe and ethically as possible striving towards sharing and caring. (do no Harm and do good = Humanism). My core definition of humanism is that humans can solve human problems by human means. I am not saying other things can’t or shouldn’t be added to it but to me, a definition of humanism must always contain something coherent to such a thinking or not contradict such as I have offered. Thus, why it is appropriate to say “good without god” when one is a humanist.

I argue for Atheism on scientific, archaeologically/anthropologically, philosophical, social/humanitarianism and prehistorical/historical grounds. 

Archaeological, Scientific, & Philosophic grounds: Link
Prehistorical/historical grounds: Link
Social/humanitarianism grounds: Link

Without Nonsense, Religion Dies!!!

I am against ALL Pseudoscience, Pseudohistory, and Pseudomorality. And all of these should openly be debunked, when and where possible. Of course, not forgetting how they are all highly represented in religion. All three are often found in religion to the point that if they were removed, their loss would likely end religion as we know it. I don’t have to respect ideas. People get confused ideas are not alive nor do they have beingness, Ideas don’t have rights nor the right to even exist only people have such a right. Ideas don’t have dignity nor can they feel violation only people if you attack them personally. Ideas don’t deserve any special anything they have no feelings and cannot be shamed they are open to the most brutal merciless attack and challenge without any protection and deserve none nor will I give them any if they are found wanting in evidence or reason. I will never respect Ideas if they are devoid of merit I only respect people.

I Hear Theists?

I hear what theists say and what I hear is that they make assertions with no justification discernable of or in reality just some book and your evidence lacking faith. I wish you were open to see but I know you have a wish to believe. I, however, wish to welcome reality as it is devoid of magic which all religions and gods thinkers believe. I want to be mentally free from misinformed ancient myths and free the minds of those confused in the realm of myths and the antihumanism views that they often attach to. So, I do have an agenda for human liberation from fears of the uninformed conception of reality. Saying that some features of reality are not fully known is not proof of god myth claims. II’s not like every time we lack knowledge, we can just claim magic and if we do we are not being intellectually honest to the appraisal of reality that is devoted of anything magic. Theists seem to have very odd attempts as logic, as they most often start with some evidence devoid god myth they favor most often the hereditary favorite of the family or culture that they were born into so a continuous blind acceptance generation after generation of force indicated faith in that which on clear instinctually honest appraisal not only should inspire doubt but full disbelief until valid and reliable justification is offered. Why are all gods unjustified? Well, anything you claim needs justification but no one has evidence of god claim attributes they are all unjustified. All god talk as if it is real acts as if one can claim magic is real by thinking it is so or by accepting someone’s claim of knowing the unjustifiably that they understand an unknowable, such as claims of gods being anything as no one has evidence to start such fact devoid things as all knowing (there is no evidence of an all-knowing anything). Or an all-powerful (there is no evidence of an all-powerful anything). Or the most ridiculous an all-loving (there is no evidence of an all-loving anything). But like all god claims, they are not just evidence lacking, the one claiming them has no justified reason to assume that they can even claim them as proof (it’s all the empty air of faith). Therefore, as the limit of all people, is to only be able to justify something from and that which corresponds to the real-world to be real and the last time I checked there is no magic of any kind in our real-world experiences. So, beyond the undefendable magical thinking not corresponding to the real-world how much more ridicules are some claimed supreme magical claimed being thus even more undefendable to the corresponding real-world, which the claimed god(s) thinking is a further and thus more extremely unjustified claim(s). What is this god you seem to think you have any justification to claim?

My life; the good, the bad, and the ugly on the road to the Mental Freedom of Atheism

My life; the good, the bad, and the ugly: from forced hereditary religion in a Christian cult then non-denominational Evangelical Pentecostalism in my youth to an adulthood of then non-denominational Christianity until 35 years old in college.

I was born and raised in Southern California. I was raised in a broken home with both parents pushing their “follow the rules” morals and brand of the Christian religion on him. My’s father was from a Christian religious cult called The Local Church and his mom’s Christian church was Pentecostal Evangelical were they danced in the aisles, flailing their arms in the air, and chanting. These two different and radical versions of Christianity were weird to me and seemed far removed from any idea of love and respect. Both parents like their “religious faiths” said, they believed in love but more often just gave hate and pushed fear. Their fear worked and from the age of 13 to 15, I thought I was possessed by demons. I rejected their brand of Christianity until he tried to become sober. At 17, I became sober and again tried this god thing and became a strong Christian though not fundamentalist like my parents and much of my family. I was a true believer and did not doubt my previous Christianity. At 35, I entered college for psychology, was educated in science and religions, and turned atheist. I chose to leave the god idea his parents still valued, and the other bullshit behind.

I was asked how did I come to atheism?

“I was Christian for 35 years, read the bible twice, and took two religious classes before realizing the conclusion of atheism.”

My Life Unplugged: “Losing My Religion and Finding Myself”

I lost my religion and faith addiction in 2006 after going to college to be a drug and alcohol counselor. However, I don’t know if I should be called a just an atheist as this is too limited to define my disbelief. Thus, I am best described as an Axiological atheist: (Ethical/Value theory Reasoned and Moral Argument driven) Atheism, Anti-theism, Anti-religionism, and Secular Humanism I also value Ignosticism or igtheism.

My college classes on religion removed my faith,
replacing it with facts showing religion should not be trusted. 

I was raised in a Christian cult before 13 then non-denominational Evangelical/Pentecostal Christian. I was basically such, non-denominational Christianity until I was about 35 years old (2006). I was raised Christian and lived my whole life in believing the Christian faith. I could have never been touted as a holy person or a true follower of the Christian rules. My life more often resembled the sinner than the saint. However, I truly believed what was taught to me about Christianity was the truth. Though I nitpicked and had qualms with some of the philosophy, I still wholeheartedly was a believer and felt I was born again. I never even doubted god until then and never had an atheist friend I knew of nor did I even want to know anything about atheism. How I changed was in college learning science and most of all taking a competitive religion class learning things about other religions I had never even cared to ask just beloved they where all wrong only Christian was right. Then I finally stopped believing in all religion with my class on understanding the Bible. Halfway through that class, I stop all belief in god and though did not know it nor even understand the word I had become an atheist. I have been working hard at becoming informed since then. Yes, as logical and critical thinking I do now, I use to not think much at all and thus I was an undoubting Christian until the age of 35 years old, while in my second religious studies classes and so you know I have read the entire bible twice before I ever took the two college classes on religion and the bible before realizing I was an atheist; I was a very superstitious supernaturalist as well as a strong theist not even once did I think to doubt or even question. I am sad to say I was not much of a rationalist now that is my driving force. Now, I question everything and think through almost everything.

The Mental Parasite Called God?
God is not simply a myth, it a mental parasite feeding off your life, is like a mental prison concept, disemboweling you, and any religion that supports the concept of god(s), becomes like a controlling jailer to the mind of the god believer. What is love, if it is so cheap, that it is for wholesale to myths? To me, it is truly a sad thing, when you have people offer more love to an unknown and at best unproven thing they call god; not even evident in this world, over real people, even loved ones, which are known in this world. Sadly, all too often a mind full of god(s) myths have no appetite for reason.

My poor grammar, spelling or math?
I am quite intelligent, yet some wonder why I am so bad at rudimentary education like my poor grammar, spelling or math, its largely due to two factors being raised in a fanatical religious cult, that was almost completely shut off from the world (no Music, TV, or outside things, EtC) extreme intellectual/educational abuse and extreme child abuse; Physical abuse (sexual abuse to hitting, spanking, beating, lack of food, lack of shelter, lack of clothing, medical neglect to go with the general neglect), psychological abuse, disrupting my life.

May I not be a silent watcher as millions of children are subjugated almost before their birth let alone when they can understand thought and are forcibly coerced, compelled, constrained, and indoctrinated in the mental pollution that religion can be. 

My main goal against religion is to fully stop as much as possible forced indoctrination, one could ask but then why do I challenge all adults faith? well, who do you think is doing the lying to children in the first place. End Hereditary religion, if its a belief let them the equal right to choose to believe.

Am I a survivor?

I fell as you tripped me again and from your hate, I remove myself from such mind and being corruption freely walking into the gates of love so longed for. You have not beaten me; you cannot stop me, you don’t want me to live, to thrive, to be all the best I can be. Yes, you hate and yet I am still here, a survivor, a full life liver, a thriver, as well as a warrior for kindness and compassion, reaching the care I was rarely offered, as a gift to the ones so desperately oppressed under your harsh gaze. May we all be free and the positive best we can be, I know I am as best I can. I am here growing stronger every day. Who am I, you ask, I respond loud and proud, I am a survivor, and even in these chains from my past, you will not stop me. Sometimes, we need to see the truth, which many people are liars and deniers while claiming they are believers. Once we stop seeing the dignity of others, we feel free to violate them with impunity. But when dignity is a friend respect has become once path.

I am a survivor!

“Child’s Eyes”

I find a sanctuary of hope, in the Armageddon of my life.

I see a sweet young child, and I think if we are all born with love.

Where do we learn to hate?

And why?

I look into the eyes of the young child Only finding a gentle love with an uncorrupted honesty.

I think, how I wish not to know, hate!

I wish only for the innocence of love.

I wish the dark postcards of my heart were blank but how can a piece of wood turn back into a tree?

How can I forget the pain inside of me?

I wish to forget.

I wish to unlearn.

To be cleansed by love and set free.

I look down into the child’s eyes wishing for what I can never have again,

My own innocence, religion you robbed me of that!

I am not the thing abuse made, I am a shooting star blazing bright, shining far pass my past.

We rise by helping each other and we may fail if we keep going as hurtful as humans too often are to each other. May we be good humans. We can be builders of life or its destruction. The person is political so the actions of my life are the expression of my political values even before I tell you what brand I may claim. We are not our past, though we are bound to it. We are also not our future self yet. So, just be the best you in the here and now. May the actions of my life be written deep with the poetry of my humanity. What do your actions say?

I am a high thinking primate, just trying to live an honorable life, being of service to others, and I wish as a life’s mission to be a kindness aficionado.

I am an anti-religionist, not just an atheist, and here is why summed up in three ideas I am against. And, in which these three things are common in all religions: “pseudo-science”“pseudo-history”, and “pseudo-morality”. And my biggest thing of all is the widespread forced indoctrination of children, violating their free choice of what to not believe or believe, I hate forced hereditary religion. And my biggest thing of all is the widespread forced indoctrination of children, violating their free choice of what to not believe or believe, I hate forced hereditary religion. As well as wish to offer strong critiques regarding the pseudo-meaning of the “three letter noise” people call “G.o.d” (group originated delusion)!

I am now a rationalist, as well as an atheist. 

Therefore, I am happy to correct the errors in thinking many atheists, agnostics, and skeptics may have, mainly because of the overconfidence in skepticism and the lack of a respect for the supremacy reason needed for logic which is needed to standardize validity. Religion should be seen as ancient mythology to be marveled and laughed at, rather than promoted as truth, when it is only feeble pseudo-truth. And why do we so often error it thinking to wish on myths and not believe in scientific proven “godless-reality”, is because We are emotional beings who have a thinking strategy called reason we only sometimes use. Simply, We are not rational beings who have a bonding strategy called emotions we sometimes use. Atheists talk about gods and religions for the same reason doctors talk about cancer, they are looking for a cure or a firefighter talking about fires because they burn people and they care to stop them. We atheists too often feel a need to help the victim’s of mental slavery, held in the bondage that is the false beliefs of gods and the conspiracy theories of reality found in religions. Be thoughtful in what you say, because, words once released have power, due to them being a method of transferring feelings not just ideas. Words are world builders and dramatic destructors. They can build mental castles to protect or dungeons to torment. May I strive to be kind to others with my words. And, I think back on my life, it’s not the times I was the most selfish but the times I was kind, that brighten my life. May I now make an even stronger effort to do so in all I do, as it’s so valuable to an enriched wellbeing in life. We as humanity must work together as one people and one human race. We can no longer sit back and watch the world burn. We are accountable for the world staying the same thus leading to extended suffering, or change the world to start alleviating suffering. For too long we have gotten comfortable with eyes of hate, which only seem to find victims, instead of eyes of love, helping us find friends. I am not calling for fighting for a political party; I am trying to inspire humanitarian flourishing not limited to even a country. As I wish to look to the big picture, that we are all global citizens, and I say it’s time we start acting like it. I, as others, promise to strive to help be the change so needed in this world.

Will you join us?

As an atheist, I feel more wonder than I did as a theist because I thought, “big deal” to any wonder I experienced, thinking god could do anything. So with such an unrealistic mindset, everything lost its wonder but it’s the opposite as an atheist. As a theist, the world was full of superstitions and supernatural magic possibilities and thus utilized thinking that was not in the real world. As an atheist all I have now is the real world, not that all atheists seem to get this, we all are in a real world devoid of magic anything, therefore, everything adds to my feeling of awe. There should be little debate with atheist acknowledging discernable reality compared to theists with non-reality claims. Yes, I have way more awe and wonder as an atheist than I ever had as a theist because as a theist anything was possible with god. Therefore, as a theist things where not that amazing. However, as an atheist grasping what an absolute accidental or how random things are, with a 95 to 99 % of all life ever existing on this planet went extinct. I am thoroughly amazed we are even here the evolved children of ancient exploded stars, likely born in galaxies born in supermassive black holes, it’s all amazing.

Here are the two books I had in my two Religious College Classes
*One was a class on the top world religions using the book (Living Religions: A Brief Introduction)

Turning Atheist?

In the middle of the class on the Bible the things I learned assisted me in turning atheist. I was asked by a Christian, “for those 35 Christian years what Christian denomination did you belong to?” Well, I was raised in the local church the teachings of Witness Lee / Living Stream movement: until around 13. Then I was in Eagle’s Nest Ministries Gary Greenwald then other Christian churches. Mostly, non-denominational. I was then asked, “would you say that your faith was shaky from the start? Or, were you well grounded in your faith through the scriptures and later on engaged in research that led to you leave Christianity altogether?” I was a devout believer not always a great follower but I totally believed until learning facts in college especially on the devil.

The Devil?
The Bibles clear teaching is that the wages of sin is death. “He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning…” 1 John 3:8 It is impossible therefore to have an immortal being who can sin. If we attempted to suggest that the Devil was a mortal monster then how is it that he has supposedly lived for thousands of years and possesses the powers of disease, deception, death, pain, and torment and is permitted by an almighty God to challenge his authority. The devil is not satin. It is interesting to note that in the detailed record of god’s dealings with Israel in the Old Testament, nowhere is there given an indication of a personal devil who goes around tempting people. The Hebrew equivalent of the word devil is only used 4 times and is in connection with false worship and idols of wood and stone – not an immortal being. It is impossible for a rebellion to happen in Heaven, think about it? Jesus himself proclaims that God’s will is done in heaven when he teaches his followers to pray for God’s coming Kingdom to be on earth in what has become known as “the Lord’s prayer”:
“Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” Matthew 6:10
If God’s will is done in heaven then how is it that a rebellion was supposed to of taken place by the angels, one of which became the so-called monster the Devil. So, if the Bible teaches that man is responsible for his own sin and that this sin comes from within him, who or what is “the devil” or “Satan” which is spoken about in the bible scriptures? In essence, the Devil and Satan is simply a “personification” of the sinful desires of man’s rebellious lusts. There is nothing unusual about the scriptures using personification. For example:
Riches are personified (Matt 6:24)
Sin is personified (Romans 5:21, 6:16)
Death is personified (Revelation 6:8)
Nation of Israel personified (Jeremiah 31:4, 18)
Believers in Christ are personified (Ephesians 4:13, 1 Corinthians 12:27)
The Holy Spirit is personified (John 16:13)
Thus we shall see that the original words for “devil” and “satan” are descriptive and not titles and these words are simply used or personified to express this idea of sin in different forms.

And you should also need to know the serpent, Lucifer, and Satan are not the same person. “The serpent was craftier than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made.” Genesis 3:1 Did you get that “wild animal” not a supernatural being. And to one of the most popular misconceptions among bible believers which is that Satan also is designated as “Lucifer” also known as “the morning star” within the pages of the Bible. No… The name “Lucifer” is referring to the king of Babylon as “the morning star” not supernatural being and not the Devil or Satan. To read more on how “Lucifer” is not Satan: So, get this if I did not make it clear enough, even within the Bible the serpent, devil, Satan, Lucifer, or whatever, as there is no supernatural being at all. lol

More on My Losing My Religion?

I don’t know if I should be called a just an atheist as this is too limited to define my disbelief. Thus I am best described as an Axiological atheist: (Ethical/Value theory Reasoned and Moral Argument driven) Atheism, Anti-theism, Anti-religionism, Secularism, and Humanism. I also value Ignosticism or igtheism. I was raised and forced to be Christian and for a time lived my whole life believing in the Christian faith. Though, I could have never have been touted as a holy person or a true follower of the Christian moral rules. My life more often resembled the sinner than the saint. However, I truly believed what was taught to me about Christianity was the truth. Though I nitpicked and had qualms with some of the philosophy, I still wholeheartedly was a believer and felt I was born again. I fully enjoy being a free thinker and a rationalist atheist who is fully free of religions and their magical thinking. 

The beginning of the change was getting a bachelor of arts in Psychology, grasping critical thinking, rational analysis, universal ethics, and the need for proof. However, the true starting point was Biology. In essence, learning that we all begin as female and it takes specific processes to turn into a male. But what fully made me “change” was two classes on religion the first comparative religions the second understanding the bible halfway through that class I stopped believing.

So, I thought, if a woman was created first then the Bible was starting with a biological lie!
Therefore, I thought if the Bible starts with a lie, how can it ever find full truth?
I started using a new rationale to analyze the bible and not accepting it as truth outright. I thought how positive would we view a parent who puts a 2 years old child next to a cookie jar and tells them not to eat any cookies. Then not only punish them for the rest of their life but to every generation until the end of time for an action they did not understand. No parent would be seen as just. Even the Bible says we should forgive after 7 years and how can it be justified to punish everyone who is guiltless for the action of one even if they did understand. That would not be convictable in any court anywhere in the world. Yet, we are taught to praise a god who did just that. I could go on and on about my views on the Bible and Christianity but I will end with one statement. The bible touts that the most important thing is the word. The word is so important that God himself wrote on stone with a lightening finger. Yet, we are to believe that Jesus comes to earth and does not write a word.  Was he illiterate? If he was, how could he be God? Jesus never asked anyone to write anything more in the Torah. Maybe he just forgot since he was so busy or maybe he was not God. He had 12 disciples; why did not all of them, author a book on his behalf? Instead, they too are silent. If Jesus and his disciples were silent, maybe he was not god. Of if he was God, maybe he was silent because the Torah was already perfect. That would make the Christian Bible heresy.

The Me Now 11 years later as an Atheist?

 “I am a Caring Firebrand Atheist”
Damien Marie AtHope: Axiological Atheist, Anti-theist, Anti-religionist, Secular Humanist. Rationalist, Writer, Artist, Poet, Philosopher, Advocate, Activist, with schooling in Psychology and Sociology as well as an Autodidact in Science, Archeology, Anthropology, and Philosophy. Damien Promotes Science, Realism, Axiology, Liberty, Justice, Ethics, Anarchism, Socialism, Progressivism, Liberalism, Philosophy, Psychology, Archaeology, and Anthropology; advocating for Sexual, Gender, Child, Secular, LGBTQIA+, Race, Class Rights, and Equality. 

I will end by saying I believe in no gods, goddesses, or religion mythologies that are seen as true. I simply believe in universal ethics and an aware humanity, no god required. I would also say I am a born again hedonist and I follow my own life doctrine. I will write a book on morality I will title fallen Morals Uplifted Ethics about what I call, “TRUE”…The Rational Universal Ethic.

Unplugged from the Control Matrix?
The matrix is all the biases, values, morals, stereotypes, beliefs, judgments, and requirements that society and religion mythologies force upon us. The matrix tells us how to act, think, and behave, what is right or wrong, and good or bad. The matrix is the heartstring of every culture. It forces upon us what it feels as right and never caring about what we really need. The matrix binds us and confines who we really are.
How did I unplug?
The first and most crucial element that must be grasped and lived wholeheartedly to be removed from the matrix and stay unplugged is the unilateral valuing of women, the way they think, and their gift of being to the world. Without this understanding of women, one can never be removed from the matrix. The matrix is male-dominated in its width and breath and in the movie “The Matrix” all the agents were men. When women rule everyone has rights and when men rule only men have rights. If you have a country or people who allow or support torture, I will show you a country that women are not equal or valued and are oppressed. The greatest unused asset occurring in the world that is untapped and could help solve the world’s problems are women. Another key aspect is to remove all religion. I started to unplug myself when I removed my indoctrinated religion mythologies and replaced them with human compassion/kindness and ethics. An ethics persuasion removed from religious morals and sin. I no longer have morals which are personal judgments and sin that condemnation built on a religious otherworld men pseudo-reality judgments. I no longer follow good or bad handed down by some deity, culture, or family value, but it’s truer axiological value. I strive to do what is healthy and pleasurable mentally as I tend to live in my mind and there is just no way to escape that for any long period of time, but sweet relief is indeed possible, not that I am always the best at utilizing this. I strive to not do what is harmful or causes pain to try to be thoughtful of everyone around me and beyond. In this endeavor, I do not claim perfection. I am but a traveler and seeker of ethics, justice, and pleasure.
One of my lifelong struggles, is My Addiction?
I was sneaking drinks as far back as I can remember. But conclusively, I would say at the age of 13 was the first time I got shit-faced drunk. This would be a new behavior that I would indulge in until my stopping at 17. I first tried marijuana at 14 and excessively added that to my repertoire. By the age of 15, I had tried almost every drug but heroin and had become a crack addict. Cocaine would come and go in my life but what would stay are other drugs and alcohol. Some people have a drug of choice; mine was the sensation of getting high. At 17, I quit all drugs and alcohol on January 24, 1989, and I have been clean and sober to this day. I have been through drug rehab around 45 days of inpatient as well as attended NA for 2 years and AA for 17 years until I realized that I did not want to follow that religion anymore it gave me a lot but I am no longer struggling with addiction I am trying to live life. I have been to years of individual, group, and marriage counseling, read sober, self-help as well as inspirational books, and worked excessively on myself. I do not believe I have removed my addiction; only found new ways to manage and control my behavior. When it comes to drugs and alcohol, I believe in complete and utter abstinence. I believe there is nothing so bad a drink or drug cannot make worse in my life. I help confronted and comforted myself with poems that lifted my inner self again and again even when things looked lost, feeling the freeing feeling that words the voice of my lived emotional experiences contained in now forever in my first book “Taste Your Emotions” where the heartstrings of my life and my inner feelings spanning the beginning (17 years old) into my late sobriety (35 years old, I am now in my middle forties). The poems it contains were written about what I felt and saw in my world, an ever-changing one. They were not written a one time but over a 10 years period as they were being experienced. On January 24, 1989, I was admitted into an addiction rehab against my will I had just withdrawn from drugs and alcohol and I was faced with a barrage of suppressed emotions. Were the emotions good or bad is not the question. The poems are expressions of how I was feeling at that moment of time. These emotions are an honest account of my reality, which was ever changing. I had realized what I had missed of life by suppressing my feelings. For the first time in my life, I started to be willing, listening, and acting on the advice from others. These actions created such intense emotions that I had never experienced before. I had masked my feelings and emotions with a life full of chemicals and anger. The poems have helped me to clarify by identifying my emotions. The poems broke through my stagnant existence of detachment. These poems released my inner self so I could see my hidden pain and find the inner truth. I have become the person I have always wanted to be by the enlightenment expressed in the poems in Taste Your Emotions. Will you take the mental walk through the darkest and brightest journeys of my life? If you do, you will hear my cries of agony, feel my pain and joy, and experience my hope.
You may see no value or benefit in atheism as I see no value or benefit in the myths of gods or religion. This does not mean your values are equal to my values or benefits as in assessing this difference in value. I will say faith in myths is like an addiction in relation to sobriety is myth free. You may think sobriety is foolish, however, that is not evidence of anything, only a misunderstanding of the benefit of living addiction free. I am as an atheist who is sober from the addiction of myths and you may dismiss the benefit of living myth-free, which in no way removes its value. Do not get me wrong, I am in a sense not against myths depending on how they are used. Myths are great for movies and fantasy books, however, when they become disruptive or even potentially harmful and when they are taken as fact and used as the main worldview. Even worse is when they are kept as fact in the face of real validated facts or reliable contradictory proof. Then myths change and become abusive as well as corrosive to a free rational mind or a non-biased critical thinking mind. Any belief you protect from scrutiny is already like a virus eroding your human spirit. I hypothesis that faith is fiction in the face of fact and can be understood as a nonadaptive byproduct of evolved mechanisms that malfunction when intending to solved adaptive problems among our primitive ancestor. Adherents to faith in myths of gods or religion can and are susceptible to a great many and fantastic non-natural notions. Using axiological awareness to assist in argumentation: I hear some saying that the universe does not care and thus no one matters. However, the universe is not aware to make any thought or judgment of any kind. Just as a tree or rock, not understanding love does nothing to devalue love. Therefore, the universe not caring about humans is an invalid argument because it cannot be said to assess humans’ value. Because of this fact, it is disqualified to provide any valid rebuke of value or what matters. Let me make this clearer, the universe can make no assessment at all and this means nothing to the truth status of anything, such as I could say the universe does not know I exist but that expresses nothing about me existing or not. But, that I don’t matter to the universe, does itself not matter.

I strive for the understanding that Disciplined-Rationality can give to go beyond only seeing the faith addiction and not the faithful victims it is oppressing them is somewhat leaving me a bit and I am starting to see it as truly more than just a sad and cognitively foolish which could be somewhat natural and not only nurture. It seems some people may have an innate insecurity or are somewhat incapable of a myth-free reality and thus feel a need to seek out myths to bye into no matter it is true. Therefore, some people may contain a hyper maladaptive tendency to desire myth as a way of thinking or myth as a way of life. Things such as politics, culture, and religion are self-motivating and habit-forming social capital (the collective value of social networks). Only religion seems to have the elements to resist seeing itself as addiction, even if it is a toxic habit forming thinking and is excused as devout thinking or that the addiction-thinking problem can be alleviated by yet more religion. Rituals and keeping traditions are deliberately introduced dogma addictions; religion like one’s societal culture becomes habitual and thus addictive behavior. Religious thinking and sacralized faith doctrine become addictive substances. All religion can become addictive not because they are real or offer a truth but by their very nature which is disconnected from reality and are. Thus, to be believed in the face of superstition free actual reality would require and benefit from dogmatic beliefs, which then have the potential to become addictive. Thus, all religion may be more prone to or encourage ways of thinking that are conducive to addiction or toxic habit forming thinking. In general, the common denominator helping to further the non-reality addiction that is offered in holy books, religion, or superstition is you such as wishing for access to fantasy powers that are often more appealing than the actuality of realities powerlessness. I would never support removing the rights to freedom of religion from adults but would express concern with its overuse with children. I do value secularism and support the freedom of religion; however, I also believe that there should be freedom from religion. In most of the holy books, I see religion and the non-reality addiction offered as valuable when in fact are valueless and tainted, even in its most watered-down forms.

If the only rights you fight for are your own,

then you have a lot to learn about the value of rights.

I am all for free thinking if the evidence is there. Great, go down the rabbit hole but do not eat the rabbit shit offered as real; when its proof disappears like a mental mirage, gone in a poof magic as simple as the magical thinking that inspires all manner of flawed beliefs. Religion has been a reason for violence and harm and at times a promoter of peace. Science does not need to fill the gap of religion. We need to remove it as it was always an abstraction not a realistic thing to being with. Not one thing religion offers that is thought of as good that cannot be done by persons not following any religion. Atheist generally is simply life with religion removed, all its pseudo meaning as well as pseudoscience, pseudohistory, and pseudo-morality. We have real science, realistic history and can access real morality with a blend of philosophy, anthropology, psychology, sociology and cognitive science. World, do you hear me now, because you were nothing but silent as I suffered extreme religious oppression and to this news, you simply spit in my face telling my religious freedom and all I can think is, no, you mean my parent’s religious freedom, which may I remind you is a violation of my religious freedom and was instead my religious oppression. Where are you now, while millions await this same fate if you keep doing nothing?

If the only rights you fight for are your own, then you have a lot to learn about the value of rights.

Childhood Indoctrination is often the gateway drug, to a life of irrational magical thinking superstitions, like ghosts, gods, or guardian spirits…

Atheism is the reality position.

Theism is the anti-reality position!

I don’t need religion or its fake gods.

“Reason is my only master.”

I am will to power!

Here is why “Reason is my only master”

The most Base Presupposition begins in reason. Reason is needed for logic (logic is realized by the aid of reason enriching its axioms). Logic is needed for axiology/value theory (axiology is realized by the aid of logic). Axiology is needed for epistemology (epistemology is realized by aid of axiology value judge and enrich its value assumptions as valid or not). Epistemology is needed for a good ontology (ontology is realized by the aid of epistemology justified assumptions/realizations/conclusions). Then when one possesses a good ontology (fortified with valid and reliable reason and evidence) they can then say they know the ontology of that thing. So, I think, right thinking is reason. Right reason is logic. Right logic, can be used for mathematics and from there we can get to science. And, by this methodological approach, we get one of the best ways of knowing the scientific method. Activating experience/event occurs, eliciting our feelings/scenes. Then naive thoughts occur, eliciting emotions as a response. Then it is our emotional intelligence over emotional hijacking, which entrance us but are unavoidable and that it is the navigating this successfully in a methodological way we call critical thinking or as In just call right thinking. So, to me, could be termed “Right” thinking, that is referring to a kind of methodological thinking. Reason is at the base of everything and it builds up from pragmatic approaches. And, to me, there are three main approaches to truth (ontology of truth) from the very subjective (Pragmatic theory of truth), to subjective (Coherence theory of truth), then onto objective (Correspondence theory of truth) but remember that this process as limited as it can be, is the best we have and we build one truth ontop another like blocks to a wall of truth.

Pragmatic theory of truth, Coherence theory of truth, and Correspondence theory of truth

In a general way, all reality, in a philosophic sense, is an emergent property of reason, and knowing how reason accrues does not remove its warrant. Feelings are experienced then perceived, leading to thinking, right thinking is reason, right reason is logic, right logic is mathematics, right mathematics is physics and from there all science.

Science is not common sense?

Science is quite the opposite of just common sense. To me, common sense in a relative way as it generally relates to the reality of things in the world, will involve “naive realism.” Whereas, most of those who are scientific thinkers, generally hold more to scientific realism or other stances far removed from the limited common sense naive realism. Science is a multidisciplinary methodological quest for truth. Science is understanding what is, while religion is wishing on what is not.

A basic outline of scientific epistemology:
Science: Hypotheses (Rationalism/Deductive, Inductive, or Abductive Reasoning etc.) + Testing (Empiricism/Systematic Observation) – Checking for errors (Skepticism/Fallibilism) + Interpret/Draw a Conclusion (Rationalism/Deductive, Inductive, or Abductive Reasoning etc.) *if valid* = Scientific Laws (describes observed phenomena) or Scientific Theory (substantiated and repeatedly tested explanation of phenomena) = Justified True Belief = Scientific Knowledge = Epistemic Certainty supportive of correctability
*being epistemically certain, is believing a truth has the highest epistemic status, often with warranted psychological certainty but it may not, neither is it a requirement*

My response, We give value, as value is an awareness and judgment, it is an emergent property of validation; the ability to use critical thinking and logic in a useful way, to conclude worth, benefit, or good. 

I am the “one” you have been waiting for I am will to power, a deep thought so true it has taken flight to the lofty aspirations dreamed for and a care transmitted to offer hope to humanity I believe in you and will strive to champion you with all I have for you are so worthy…

I am that freak of nature, a power from the anti-power crusaders, warring against the power dynamic to return it back where it belongs- the hands of the people. I am a free-thinking invader into the shell of malignancy infecting humanity which strangles reason out of the world. A proud anarchy theorist, I breathe the fire of the heathens, a thought revolutionary and mental freedom fighter. I am a humanist atheist who desires a better world for us all, one that is kinder, more just, and more rational in its pursuits.

Protest theocratic theism and its Impacting oppression on atheist Human Rights

The eyes of the world predicted my failure but here I am, I am a survivor, No longer do I hide my face, I no longer fear a fall from your grace for I find my courage plain as day in the human race, may I be a good human. May I put truth above all and valiantly thrust a crusade or truth and caring, which will help show love can and will in the end if only in my black heart so often close to that deadman’s plank. I am a fighter, I don’t need you to save me, I don’t need your empty claims of magic in the world, a stumbling block to many, yet, I am no longer one of them, I am will to power. Say the truth plainly don’t allow pretend but do so with a caring desire to teach as one would to a friend. May I be a caring firebrand atheist. One, with an awakened humanity fully alive in my humanist heart, Desiring to Demonstrate my humanitarianism as I fully stand up for truth as a reality as well as kindness as all reality revolutionaries should, strongly speaking what is right as the truth is not pretended. I am bound by the limitations we all face but may I bravely be a good human past it all…

Damien Marie AtHope’s Art

While hallucinogens are associated with shamanism, it is alcohol that is associated with paganism.

The Atheist-Humanist-Leftist Revolutionaries Shows in the prehistory series:

Show one: Prehistory: related to “Anarchism and Socialism” the division of labor, power, rights, and recourses.

Show two: Pre-animism 300,000 years old and animism 100,000 years old: related to “Anarchism and Socialism”

Show tree: Totemism 50,000 years old: related to “Anarchism and Socialism”

Show four: Shamanism 30,000 years old: related to “Anarchism and Socialism”

Show five: Paganism 12,000 years old: related to “Anarchism and Socialism”

Show six: Emergence of hierarchy, sexism, slavery, and the new male god dominance: Paganism 7,000-5,000 years old: related to “Anarchism and Socialism” (Capitalism) (World War 0) Elite and their slaves!

Show seven: Paganism 5,000 years old: progressed organized religion and the state: related to “Anarchism and Socialism” (Kings and the Rise of the State)

Show eight: Paganism 4,000 years old: Moralistic gods after the rise of Statism and often support Statism/Kings: related to “Anarchism and Socialism” (First Moralistic gods, then the Origin time of Monotheism)

Prehistory: related to “Anarchism and Socialism” the division of labor, power, rights, and recourses: VIDEO

Pre-animism 300,000 years old and animism 100,000 years old: related to “Anarchism and Socialism”: VIDEO

Totemism 50,000 years old: related to “Anarchism and Socialism”: VIDEO

Shamanism 30,000 years old: related to “Anarchism and Socialism”: VIDEO

Paganism 12,000 years old: related to “Anarchism and Socialism” (Pre-Capitalism): VIDEO

Paganism 7,000-5,000 years old: related to “Anarchism and Socialism” (Capitalism) (World War 0) Elite and their slaves: VIEDO

Paganism 5,000 years old: progressed organized religion and the state: related to “Anarchism and Socialism” (Kings and the Rise of the State): VIEDO

Paganism 4,000 years old: related to “Anarchism and Socialism” (First Moralistic gods, then the Origin time of Monotheism): VIEDO

I do not hate simply because I challenge and expose myths or lies any more than others being thought of as loving simply because of the protection and hiding from challenge their favored myths or lies.

The truth is best championed in the sunlight of challenge.

An archaeologist once said to me “Damien religion and culture are very different”

My response, So are you saying that was always that way, such as would you say Native Americans’ cultures are separate from their religions? And do you think it always was the way you believe?

I had said that religion was a cultural product. That is still how I see it and there are other archaeologists that think close to me as well. Gods too are the myths of cultures that did not understand science or the world around them, seeing magic/supernatural everywhere.

I personally think there is a goddess and not enough evidence to support a male god at Çatalhöyük but if there was both a male and female god and goddess then I know the kind of gods they were like Proto-Indo-European mythology.

This series idea was addressed in, Anarchist Teaching as Free Public Education or Free Education in the Public: VIDEO

Our 12 video series: Organized Oppression: Mesopotamian State Force and the Politics of power (9,000-4,000 years ago), is adapted from: The Complete and Concise History of the Sumerians and Early Bronze Age Mesopotamia (7000-2000 BC): by “History with Cy

Show #1: Mesopotamian State Force and the Politics of Power (Samarra, Halaf, Ubaid)

Show #2: Mesopotamian State Force and the Politics of Power (Eridu: First City of Power)

Show #3: Mesopotamian State Force and the Politics of Power (Uruk and the First Cities)

Show #4: Mesopotamian State Force and the Politics of Power (First Kings)

Show #5: Mesopotamian State Force and the Politics of Power (Early Dynastic Period)

Show #6: Mesopotamian State Force and the Politics of Power (King Lugalzagesi and the First Empire)

Show #7: Mesopotamian State Force and the Politics of Power (Sargon and Akkadian Rule)

Show #8: Mesopotamian State Force and the Politics of Power (Naram-Sin, Post-Akkadian Rule, and the Gutians)

Show #9: Mesopotamian State Force and the Politics of Power (Gudea of Lagash and Utu-hegal)

Show #10: Mesopotamian State Force and the Politics of Power (Third Dynasty of Ur / Neo-Sumerian Empire)

Show #11: Mesopotamian State Force and the Politics of Power (Amorites, Elamites, and the End of an Era)

Show #12: Mesopotamian State Force and the Politics of Power (Aftermath and Legacy of Sumer)

Damien Marie AtHope’s Art

The “Atheist-Humanist-Leftist Revolutionaries”

Cory Johnston ☭ Ⓐ Atheist Leftist @Skepticallefty & I (Damien Marie AtHope) @AthopeMarie (my YouTube & related blog) are working jointly in atheist, antitheist, antireligionist, antifascist, anarchist, socialist, and humanist endeavors in our videos together, generally, every other Saturday.

Why Does Power Bring Responsibility?

Think, how often is it the powerless that start wars, oppress others, or commit genocide? So, I guess the question is to us all, to ask, how can power not carry responsibility in a humanity concept? I know I see the deep ethical responsibility that if there is power their must be a humanistic responsibility of ethical and empathic stewardship of that power. Will I be brave enough to be kind? Will I possess enough courage to be compassionate? Will my valor reach its height of empathy? I as everyone, earns our justified respect by our actions, that are good, ethical, just, protecting, and kind. Do I have enough self-respect to put my love for humanity’s flushing, over being brought down by some of its bad actors? May we all be the ones doing good actions in the world, to help human flourishing.

I create the world I want to live in, striving for flourishing. Which is not a place but a positive potential involvement and promotion; a life of humanist goal precision. To master oneself, also means mastering positive prosocial behaviors needed for human flourishing. I may have lost a god myth as an atheist, but I am happy to tell you, my friend, it is exactly because of that, leaving the mental terrorizer, god belief, that I truly regained my connected ethical as well as kind humanity.

Cory and I will talk about prehistory and theism, addressing the relevance to atheism, anarchism, and socialism.

At the same time as the rise of the male god, 7,000 years ago, there was also the very time there was the rise of violence, war, and clans to kingdoms, then empires, then states. It is all connected back to 7,000 years ago, and it moved across the world.

Cory Johnston:  

The Mind of a Skeptical Leftist (YouTube)

Cory Johnston: Mind of a Skeptical Leftist @Skepticallefty

The Mind of a Skeptical Leftist By Cory Johnston: “Promoting critical thinking, social justice, and left-wing politics by covering current events and talking to a variety of people. Cory Johnston has been thoughtfully talking to people and attempting to promote critical thinking, social justice, and left-wing politics.”

Cory needs our support. We rise by helping each other.

Cory Johnston ☭ Ⓐ @Skepticallefty Evidence-based atheist leftist (he/him) Producer, host, and co-host of 4 podcasts @skeptarchy @skpoliticspod and @AthopeMarie

Damien Marie AtHope (“At Hope”) Axiological Atheist, Anti-theist, Anti-religionist, Secular Humanist. Rationalist, Writer, Artist, Poet, Philosopher, Advocate, Activist, Psychology, and Armchair Archaeology/Anthropology/Historian.

Damien is interested in: Freedom, Liberty, Justice, Equality, Ethics, Humanism, Science, Atheism, Antiteism, Antireligionism, Ignosticism, Left-Libertarianism, Anarchism, Socialism, Mutualism, Axiology, Metaphysics, LGBTQI, Philosophy, Advocacy, Activism, Mental Health, Psychology, Archaeology, Social Work, Sexual Rights, Marriage Rights, Woman’s Rights, Gender Rights, Child Rights, Secular Rights, Race Equality, Ageism/Disability Equality, Etc. And a far-leftist, “Anarcho-Humanist.”

I am not a good fit in the atheist movement that is mostly pro-capitalist, I am anti-capitalist. Mostly pro-skeptic, I am a rationalist not valuing skepticism. Mostly pro-agnostic, I am anti-agnostic. Mostly limited to anti-Abrahamic religions, I am an anti-religionist.

To me, the “male god” seems to have either emerged or become prominent around 7,000 years ago, whereas the now favored monotheism “male god” is more like 4,000 years ago or so. To me, the “female goddess” seems to have either emerged or become prominent around 11,000-10,000 years ago or so, losing the majority of its once prominence around 2,000 years ago due largely to the now favored monotheism “male god” that grow in prominence after 4,000 years ago or so.

My Thought on the Evolution of Gods?

Animal protector deities from old totems/spirit animal beliefs come first to me, 13,000/12,000 years ago, then women as deities 11,000/10,000 years ago, then male gods around 7,000/8,000 years ago. Moralistic gods around 5,000/4,000 years ago, and monotheistic gods around 4,000/3,000 years ago. 

To me, animal gods were likely first related to totemism animals around 13,000 to 12,000 years ago or older. Female as goddesses was next to me, 11,000 to 10,000 years ago or so with the emergence of agriculture. Then male gods come about 8,000 to 7,000 years ago with clan wars. Many monotheism-themed religions started in henotheism, emerging out of polytheism/paganism.

“Animism” is needed to begin supernatural thinking.
“Totemism” is needed for supernatural thinking connecting human actions & related to clan/tribe.
“Shamanism” is needed for supernatural thinking to be controllable/changeable by special persons.
Together = Gods/paganism

Damien Marie AtHope’s Art

Damien Marie AtHope (Said as “At” “Hope”)/(Autodidact Polymath but not good at math):

Axiological Atheist, Anti-theist, Anti-religionist, Secular Humanist, Rationalist, Writer, Artist, Jeweler, Poet, “autodidact” Philosopher, schooled in Psychology, and “autodidact” Armchair Archaeology/Anthropology/Pre-Historian (Knowledgeable in the range of: 1 million to 5,000/4,000 years ago). I am an anarchist socialist politically. Reasons for or Types of Atheism

My Website, My Blog, & Short-writing or QuotesMy YouTube, Twitter: @AthopeMarie, and My Email:

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