Religion is Antirationalism

Damien Marie AtHope’s Art Damien Marie AtHope’s Art  I am antireligion because of rationalism and to me, religion is antirationalism I am a Rationalist who is an Axiological Atheist “Rationalism is an approach to life based on reason and evidence. Rationalism...

Good must have Bad?

Good must have Bad? I was asked by a believer if I agreed that to value good we had to know or have bad. I reject this completely you don’t have to get punched to know the value of a hug. Nor would you add pain and suffering to a child to ensure that they valued love...

What is Homelessness?

Damien Marie AtHope’s Art Is it simply lacking a shelter such as a covering over one’s head? If so, is someone standing or sleeping under a bridge or some other covering no longer homeless? I would think not but then again I am wondering what is homelessness? If...

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