Art by Damien Marie AtHope 

Here is why “Reason is my only master”

The most Base Presupposition begins in reason. Reason is needed for logic (logic is realized by the aid of reason enriching its axioms). Logic is needed for axiology/value theory (axiology is realized by the aid of logic). Axiology is needed for epistemology (epistemology is realized by the aid of axiology value judge and enrich its value assumptions as valid or not). Epistemology is needed for a good ontology (ontology is realized with the aid of epistemology justified assumptions/realizations/conclusions). Then when one possesses a good ontology (fortified with valid and reliable reason and evidence) they can then say they know the ontology of that thing. Thinking is good and one claiming otherwise is indeed a person erroring in reason. Which may I remind you is terrible since the most Base Presupposition in our understanding of everything begins in reason.

So, I think, right thinking is reason. Right reason is logic. Right logic, can be used for mathematics and from there we can get to science. And, by this methodological approach, we get one of the best ways of knowing the scientific method. Activating experience/event occurs, eliciting our feelings/scenes. Then naive thoughts occur, eliciting emotions as a response. Then it is our emotional intelligence over emotional hijacking, which entrance us but are unavoidable and that it is the navigating this successfully in a methodological way we call critical thinking or as In just call right thinking. So, to me, could be termed “Right” thinking, that is referring to a kind of methodological thinking. Reason is at the base of everything and it builds up from pragmatic approaches. And, to me, there are three main approaches to truth (ontology of truth) from the very subjective (Pragmatic theory of truth), to subjective (Coherence theory of truth), then onto objective (Correspondence theory of truth) but remember that this process as limited as it can be, is the best we have and we build one truth ontop another like blocks to a wall of truth.

Pragmatic theory of truth, Coherence theory of truth, and Correspondence theory of truth

In a general way, all reality, in a philosophic sense, is an emergent property of reason, and knowing how reason accrues does not remove its warrant. Feelings are experienced then perceived, leading to thinking, right thinking is reason, right reason is logic, right logic is mathematics, right mathematics is physics and from there all science.

Science is not common sense?

Science is quite the opposite of just common sense. To me, common sense is experience related interpretation, relatively, as it generally relates to the reality of things in the world, which involves “naive realism” as well as possible psychological certainty and low epistemic certainty. Whereas, most of those who are scientific thinkers, hold typically more to scientific realism or other stances far removed from the limited common sense of naive realism. Science is a multidisciplinary methodological quest for truth. Science understands what is, while religion is wishing on what is not. Scientific realism sees external reality as described by science is what is REAL and thus TRUE with the highest epistemic certainty regardless of possible psychological certainty.

Getting Real with Logic

Logic is the result of rationalism, as what do you think gets you to logic if not starting at reason? I want to hear your justification for your claims, all the presuppositions you are evading to explain the links in your claims of truth. As it is invalid to just claim this without a justification for your professed claims and the presupposing you do to get there, that is not trying to use rationalism to refuse rationalist thinking. How are you making the statement and not appearing to what is the rationale behind it? If not, you must want to think “Logic is self-generating as valid” and this understood value is to you not reducible to reason? You are devoid of an offer of your burden of proof, first just try to keep up with the thinker’s responsibility to provide more than unjustified claims. Logic is derived by axioms and thus using rationalism to validate them, think otherwise provide your proof. My Rationalism: is two things externalistic “scientific rationalism” a belief or theory that opinions and actions should be based on reason and knowledge rather than on religious belief or emotional response. And internalistic “philosophic rationalism” the theory that reason is the most base presupposition before all others, rather than simply trying to rely on experience is the foundation of certainty in knowledge. Activating experience occurs we then have thinking, right (methodological) thinking (critical thinking) is reason, right reason is logic, right logic can be used for math, right math in response to the natural world is physics, and from there all other Sciences, physics is the foundation for chemistry and chemistry is the foundation of biology. May reason be your only master and may you also master reason.

Good person?

Art by Damien Marie AtHope

I see heroes every day, loving people acting with kindness as well as compassion and it is these true humanists I hope to forever emulate, may we all champion being a good person. The biggest awaking of my life was the value and need for kindness as a way of life. Keep on shining the light of love! Don’t let the darkness of others throw shade on your sine, rather allow their darkness like the night enhance the brilliance of who you are, a star of goodness and a light in the dark and a star worth following.

Innocence, sweetness, and beauty have not been as profoundly violated as in the dark caldron of fanaticism, where the faith drunk eagerly gorging on the lust of tribalism. Such individuals of this extreme conviction wished the demise of the world and are emboldened on hate-filled superstitions. These are the fiends among us, clocked in the durty threads some wish to all holy. They only like what they believe or are told to believe in what they profess is a holy book. This dark caldron of holy book fanaticism, is a but a sick anti-humanism motivation, which too often is proudly supported, by the concepts of gods and religions, ones as would be typical from the evilest of madmen.

Religion vs. Science, Don’t Confuse Beliefs

Commenter – posted this meme:

My response, I have a degree in psychology that would say different. Just think if this was true then no counseling would help.

Commenter – “Damien AtHope I also have a psych degree. However, all one needa to do is discuss faith with a believer and you’ll see the truth in it. It may be a slight over generalization, but not much. lol”

My response, I have extra training in addiction intervention with very combative people and still manage them. I do it all the time in person and online. Here are some of my blogs on this:

Naive Atheism? I Think you Need some “Rationalist Therapy” and a more Reasoned Atheism

Dignity Being Theory: Turning a Troll?

Turning a Theist Attack into a Chance for Their New Learning: “an open dialog”

Trying to Reason with the Unreasonable takes Time and Consistency

Every “Atheist,” in a way, is an “Atheist Leader.” So, we should act accordingly, with style.

Commenter – “Damien AtHope That is cool that you have been able to have such positive dealings with people. I honestly hope things work that way for me.”

My response, I try to never stop seeing them as a friend in desperate need of my help. I care to make a difference.

Art by Damien Marie AtHope 

Commenter – “Damien AtHope, forgive me for the long breaks, I’m reading your articles. The article on being an atheist leader is really good. Good read ya sucked me in bro!”

My response, I am my best when I keep thinking of others. It is heard but all worthy things tend to be. I do truth navigation, both inquiry questions as well as strategic facts in a tag team of debate and motivational teaching. Compare ideas not people, attack thinking and not people. In this way, we have a higher chance to promote change because it’s the thinking we can help change if we address the thinking and don’t attack them. Asking the right questions at the right time with the right info can also change minds, you can’t just use facts all on their own. Denial likes consistency, the pattern of thinking cannot vary from a fixed standard of thinking, or the risk of truth could slip in. Helping people alter skewed thinking is indeed a large task but most definitely a worthy endeavor. Some of my ideas are because I am educated both some in college (BA in Psychology with addiction treatment, sociology, and a little teaching and criminology) and also as an autodidact I have become somewhat educated in philosophy, science, archeology, anthropology, and history but this is not the only reason for all my ideas. It is also because I am a deep thinker, just striving for truth. Moreover, I am a seeker of truth and a lover of that which is true.

Truth Navigation: Techniques for Discussions or Debates

Truth Navigation and the fallacy of Fideism “faith-ism”

My response, Here is my eclectic set of tools for my style I call “Truth Navigation” (Techniques for Discussions or Debates) which involves:

Commenter – “Damien AtHope I love the way you think bro! However, I have not been so lucky. I am a born protector, always have been. I am the guy who gets called to deal with the unruly and often violent. So I do get ya, I just have been forced to deal with the otherside of the spectrum so I can’t turn it off. I always try to de-escalate situations. And I have had success. But not always. I have been forced to physically handle people. Because of their thinking and behavior.”

My response, What we don’t understand we can come to fear. That which we fear we often learn to hate. Things we hate we usually seek to destroy. It is thus upon us to try and understand the unknown or unfamiliar not letting fear drive us into the unreasonable arms of hate and harm. Do you know about REBT? It was invented by an atheist.

“Rational emotive behavioral therapy (REBT), developed by Albert Ellis in 1955 and originally called rational therapy, laid the foundation for what is now known as cognitive behavioral therapy. REBT is built on the idea that how we feel is largely influenced by how we think. As is implied by the name, this form of therapy encourages the development of rational thinking to facilitate healthy emotional expression and behavior.” ref


“People are not disturbed by things but rather by their view of things.” –Albert Ellis

“Often, ways of thinking ingrained in our brains at an early age or resulting from painful or traumatic events continue to subconsciously influence our behaviors and perceptions into adulthood. REBT seeks to reshape these core beliefs in those experiencing a wide range of mental health conditions, thereby enabling them to live full, satisfying lives free from unnecessary psychological distress.” ref

“For example, say an individual feels continuously plagued by feelings of rejection. Rational emotive behavioral therapy might uncover that he or she harbors the following belief: “I am an outcast. Nobody likes me.” As a result, this person is likely to interpret a number of everyday occurrences in a negative light; a downcast expression seen on another’s face or a lack of positive feedback from a colleague becomes a direct reinforcement of that core inner concept. Naturally, this triggers a negative emotional response and increases the likelihood of depression, social anxiety, antisocial behavior, and/or low self-esteem, among other manifestations of the “nobody likes me” belief.” ref


“Based on the notion that we are typically unaware of our deeply imbedded irrational thoughts and how they affect us on a day-to-day basis, Ellis established three guiding principles of REBT. These are known as the ABCs: activating event, beliefs, and consequences.” ref

  • Activating (or Adverse) Event. First, it is essential to identify the situation or event that triggers the negative emotional and/or behavioral response. In the case of the above example, the activating event is the downcast expression or lack of positive feedback from a colleague. ref
  • Beliefs. Second, the core beliefs that are attached to the emotional or behavioral response must be identified and examined. Again, using the above scenario, the core beliefs would be “I am an outcast. Nobody likes me.” A therapist employing REBT techniques would guide a person to explore where these beliefs originate and develop a plan for recognizing and replacing them with positive affirmations. ref
  • Consequences. The combination of the activating event and the core beliefs will produce a result or consequence, such as depression, social anxiety, antisocial behavior, or issues with self-esteem. Similarly, the deconstruction of these ingrained negative beliefs and integration of fresh, positive perceptions can drastically improve a person’s outlook and experience of life. ref


“Again, identifying the thought culprits is key to letting them go. Though the specific tasks used to alter irrational thought patterns vary from person to person, they often include a combination of journaling or some other form of introspective exploration, guided imagery, meditation, and/or emotional expression.” ref

“Understandably, rewiring years-old patterns of thinking is a work- and time-intensive process, so active participation and openness in the therapy process is essential to success. Along those lines, a practice of reciting daily mantras to continually replace negative beliefs is also encouraged. These mantras should reflect a shift in consciousness from negative, self-defeating views to ones that reflect rational acceptance of self, others, and the world.” ref

Commenter – “Damien AtHope, rational emotional behavioral therapy fairly familiar. I worked in group homes for years. I have seen and dealt with some real characters. And when I say that I am not only speaking on the children. Some of the staff, as well as predators were looking to exploit those kids. It was really sad. Once there was a 29 year old man who came to the house looking to take out a 15 year old girl. We. Informed him that the police were called and that only enraged him. He decided he would take her by force. This man pulled out a pistol, and threatened to shoot anyone trying to stop him. Luckily for me I kept him engaged just long enough for the police to come. After they took him into custody. The police informed us the the man has already served time for statutory rape. The point of all of this is to say, there was no reasoning with this guy. He was dead set on leaving with that little girl. I honestly thought I was about to be shot.”

My response, I like people who help others.

Art by Damien Marie AtHope 

My response, We as humanity must work together as one people and one human race. We can no longer sit back and watch the world burn. We are accountable for the world staying the same thus leading to extended suffering, or change the world to start alleviating suffering. For too long we have gotten comfortable with eyes of hate, which only seem to find victims, instead of eyes of love, helping us find friends. I am not calling for fighting for a political party; I am trying to inspire humanitarian flourishing not limited to even a country. As I wish to look to the big picture, that we are all global citizens, and I say it’s time we start acting like it. I, as others, promise to strive to help be the change so needed in this world. Will you join us?

My response, Be thoughtful in what you say, because, words once released have power, due them being a method of transferring feelings not just ideas. Words are world builders and dramatic destructors. They can build mental castles to protect or dungeons to torment. May I strive to be kind to others with my words. And, I think back on my life, it’s not the times I was the most selfish but the times I was kind, that brighten my life. May I now make an even stronger effort to do so in all I do, as it’s so valuable to an enriched well-being in life.

My response, May the actions of my life be written deep with the poetry of my humanity. Some people fight for people and some seem to just like to fight with people. We are our best when we are showing thoughtful regard, not thoughtless indifference. Be Virtuous to the Vulnerable and a Terror to Tyrants. Yes, be an Honorable Human. May I not be a silent watcher as millions of children are subjugated almost before their birth let alone when they can understand thought and are forcibly coerced, compelled, constrained, and indoctrinated in the mental pollution that religion can be. My main goal against religion is to fully stop as much as possible forced indoctrination, one could ask but then why do I challenge all adults faith? well, who do you think is doing the lying to children in the first place. End Hereditary religion, if its a belief let them the equal right to choose to believe.

Reject the Weakness of Anger and Open to the Strength of Kindness.

My response, I wish to be more than the weakness of anger and instead with open arms of love welcome and support kindness as a way of life, not just a thing I do if convent. To me, it is almost never deserved rather it’s a gift. How beautiful is kindness not earned? Well, in my personal case at 17 when a thoughtful person showed me undeserved kindness and in my case it was life-changing. This kindness gift as often as I can as people matter. I wish to add value to the world and send out kindness to the world wishing to promote human flourishing as much as I can and we flourish best in acceptance, understanding, and support, may I be a good human I would be proud to be inspired by. I am wise realizing the wisest thing I have ever done was be kind, even though for me it has been so hard and I am proud to say I am a good human who strives to be kind.

May I be a kindness aficionado…

My response, Even when I am debating people who are aggressive, I don’t generally wish to be aggressive back not for them but for the person I want to be. I do sometimes fail at this as I am not always as great at emotional intelligence as I would like to be. Ideally, I would be stoic but I am a hot head and that is something I am constantly striving for as I don’t want to abuse others even with words. I don’t try to make others look bad. I want to help others. I am intelligent and could be mean but I am also very thoughtful as well as open by nature, I also strive to be wise. Thus, I wish to be kind to others as much as I can, even those who are unkind to me, as I wish to be such a bright light of kindness that it can change lives and that is so valuable to me. I don’t want to be their leader I wish to inspire them to be their own leader and thus I see I must assist others not to attack others.

My response, I am that freak of nature, a power from the anti-power crusaders, warring against the power dynamic to return it back where it belongs- the hands of the people. I am a free-thinking invader into the shell of malignancy infecting humanity which strangles reason out of the world. A proud anarchy theorist, I breathe the fire of the heathens, a thought revolutionary and mental freedom fighter. I am a humanist atheist who desires a better world for us all, one that is kinder, more just, and more rational in its pursuits. 

My response, The eyes of the world predicted my failure but here I am, I am a survivor, No longer do I hide my face, I no longer fear a fall from your grace for I find my courage plain as day in the human race, may I be a good human. May I put truth above all and valiantly thrust a crusade or truth and caring, which will help show love can and will in the end if only in my black heart so often close to that deadman’s plank. I am a fighter, I don’t need you to save me, I don’t need your empty claims of magic in the world, a stumbling block to many, yet, I am no longer one of them, I am will to power. Say the truth plainly don’t allow pretend but do so with a caring desire to teach as one would to a friend. May I be a caring firebrand atheist. One, with an awakened humanity fully alive in my humanist heart, Desiring to Demonstrate my humanitarianism as I fully stand up for truth as a reality as well as kindness as all reality revolutionaries should, strongly speaking what is right as the truth is not pretended. I am bound by the limitations we all face but may I bravely be a good human past it all…

Art by Damien Marie AtHope 

Art by Damien Marie AtHope 

Art by Damien Marie AtHope 

Art by Damien Marie AtHope 

Art by Damien Marie AtHope 

Art by Damien Marie AtHope

Art by Damien Marie AtHope

Art by Damien Marie AtHope

Art by Damien Marie AtHope

Art by Damien Marie AtHope 

Art by Damien Marie AtHope 

Kindness is not some act I try to do, it is a way of life I strive to follow. Similarly to how one’s character is not in a single thing done but a reflection of who one is. Just like one’s value is more in whom they are as a whole than only limited to a single event or expression. I once thought no one is friendly, so I decided to be a friend. No one seemed to care, so I realize I needed to care. No one made you feel as if you mattered, so I started valuing others. I see the world I wish to live in starts with me.

Kindness, you are my friend, how I long for your embrace, the gentleness of your touch and the beauty of your face. Kindness my breath of hope made anew, how I am inspired by you and flourish under your gaze. Kindness my teacher of compassion, my path in life, how I desire to be like you, by your caring I was made into you. Kindness my sturdy tower, my reprieve in life in the final hour.

What it is to BE WISE

“Reason is my only master, whereas faith offered as reality is most defiantly not my friend.” 

Theistic believers think that as an atheist, I have a life without meaning. What foolishness, I only have this one short life, how precious life is when you only have “one life” with no extra afterlives nor any reincarnation do-overs.

No, as an atheist, there is just this one valuable life, may I live it well.

As an atheist, I feel more wonder than I did as a theist because I thought, “big deal” to any wonder I experienced, thinking god could do anything. So with such an unrealistic mindset, everything lost its wonder but it’s the opposite as an atheist.

As a theist, the world was full of superstitions and supernatural magic possibilities and thus utilized thinking that was not in the real world. As an atheist all I have now is the real world, not that all atheists seem to get this, we all are in a real world devoid of magic anything, therefore, everything adds to my feeling of awe. 

There should be little debate with atheist acknowledging discernable reality compared to theists with non-reality claims. Yes, I have way more awe and wonder as an atheist than I ever had as a theist because as a theist anything was possible with god.

Therefore, as a theist, things of the world where not that amazing. However, as an atheist grasping what an absolute accidental or how random things are, with a 95 to 99 % of all life ever existing on this planet went extinct. I am thoroughly amazed we are even here the evolved children of ancient exploded stars, likely born in galaxies born in supermassive black holes, it’s all amazing.

Science is a multidisciplinary methodological quest for truth.

“Damien, you are an Axiology Atheist but I am wondering what is your ethics boiled down in a phrase like, “do unto others as you wish to be treated” -Questioner

My Response, As for a moral statement of value conciseness (axiology awareness) that I say often is “we rise by helping each other;” as axiology ethics, would be positive, humanist and humanitarian with a championing of both justice ethics as well as care ethics. I don’t think all morality is subjective. It’s like saying that logic can’t be used in human relations, it’s funny to me when people think there is only subjective thinking in moral reasoning. If so then all methods of logic are also subjective. 

As an atheist how can you claim human rights, Damien?

“If other human beings don’t ‘give’ you your ‘rights’ then where do they come from? If you mean the ‘rights’ enshrined in the Constitution then they are said to come from God (at least according to the Declaration of Independence). But you assert ‘rights’ that ‘all people deserve’ – according to who, and on what basis? Can we all simply assert ‘rights’ to which we claim entitlement for no other reason than we believe we ‘deserve’ them? Perhaps you could enumerate the ‘rights’ to which you think ‘all people’ are entitled and see whether ‘all people’ agree that ‘all people’ are indeed ‘entitled’ to (deserve) those ‘rights’? ‘Rights’ are a nebulous concept – see my book Freedom v A Tyranny of Rights. It may be helpful in understanding the hype surrounding these things called ‘rights’.” – Challenger

My response, You must have never read The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. “Article 1. “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.” ref

Moreover, human rights, to me, involve a proclamation/social-emotional awareness such as emotional/social intelligence (likely empathy motivated, whether cognitive and/or emotionally derived will generally be involved in such moral/social reasoning) to the self ownership due all people as a way to honor the dignity being they are and it is an eventual aspect in pro-social exchange in a social dynamic which is needed to positively navigate social actions with others in social groups. And What is a god? Stop claiming to know things you don’t know nor can rightly claim to know.

“The Government gives you any rights you think you have, but take them away anytime they please. You don’t have rights, you think, do, and say what the government tells you to. You are free to do as you’re told.” – Commenter

My response, the fact a government can, like any brute violate the rights of others changes little to the rights one deserves and it is still immoral. I am an Atheist for Non-Aggression.

The non-aggression of which I speak is: Anti-sexual Violence, Anti-Spanking, Anti-Circumcision, Anti-Bullying, Anti-Violence, Anti-child maltreatment, Anti-animal cruelty, Anti-Domestic Violence, and Anti-Verbal Violence (Threats, Character Assassination, Intimidation), Pro-Ethics, Pro-Body Sovereignty, Pro-Empathy, and Equality.

For those who think attacking religion is some kind of Character Assassination because its people that are religious. You are confused because character assassination is attacking people with abusive name calling not confronting religion dishonesty. Character Assassination is not being justifiably mentally aggressive as in one challenging, holy figures, gods, religions, myths, superstitions, beliefs, or deluded or misinformed ideas.

Character Assassination is not meaning strong stances, aggressive challenge in rational arguments, or pitilessly exposing injustice, harm or oppression. It is our passion and an honored chosen duty to promote Non-Aggression and speak the truth of atheism and ethical behavior so people don’t stay misinform abused or oppressed. The non-aggression of which I speak values anti-violence unless the violence is for direct self-defense or other-defense.

The Harm of Sin (pseudo-morality)?

Sin is a term of religions manipulation, making you believe that whatever is claimed as since is a violation of morality but mostly it has little to do with ethical or reasonable morality as many things claimed as sin are often just things like social preferences or differing beliefs. The reason belief in god-given laws of sin-infused morality, to be seen as impossible as truth and yet always possibly harmful.

The claims of sin are a toxic Dogmatic-Propaganda tactic of shame (easier to manipulate) and blame (easier to control) which has killed many. This pseudo-morality has made many more believe they may deserve killing. Sin: Systematically Indoctrinated Nonsense (easier to manipulate) or Self-Induced Negativity (easier to control).

Axiological Ethics, NOT pseudo-ethics

“Damien Marie AtHope. Even though I didn’t have a name for it, it was the epistemology described by your Axiological Atheism that led me to reject the notion of God when it was presented to me as a child.” – fan

I am a BIG fan of the truth.

“Where did you find it?! Mankind has been diligently seeking truth since time memorial!” – Challenger

 My response, Your statement is a “truth claim” right after asking about truth: “Where did you find it?! Mankind has been diligently seeking truth since time memorial! (a “truth claim” emphasized with two exclamation marks seeming to demonstrate that you believed you had said a confirmed truth. So you do believe you have found a truth while acting as if you don’t know, and seemingly by your strength of assertion, believe I guess, that no one can but here I am teaching you truth!!!

I have been asked before, how can I stand to deal with illogical, ones lacking critical thinking, the unreasonable, misinformed but fully believe, deliberately uninformed or deluded people, often so kindly?

Well, I believe in others, or at least their ability to reason even if you don’t know how or are not paying attention currently. I can do deal with most people as I am often fighting for them even if they only feel I am against them and it usually is not that hard to do with a heart of compassion, as I care for the future of humanity and people have value. And, if people don’t listen or grasp logic, I try something else like reasoning. If they will not listen or grasp reasoning, I will try just getting them to think, maybe on something they can agree or they do understand trying to work them back to the rationalism they are not getting or are avoiding.

Then, if I can get them to reason, I build that up to logic. If they don’t seem to get them to thinking or are trying to avoid I can draw them back to feelings, maybe on something they can agree or they do understand trying to work them back to thinking, then reasoning, and then finally back to logic with which they are not getting or are avoiding. In a general way, all reality, in a philosophic sense, is an emergent property of reason, and knowing how reason accrues does not remove its warrant. Feelings are experienced then perceived, leading to thinking, right thinking is reason, right reason is logic, right logic is mathematics, right mathematics is physics and from there all science.

“Damien, what I find interesting is how an atheist like you spends so much time and energy on God and religion.” – Challenger

My response, Well, let’s see, maybe because we atheists and anti-religionists care to inform our fellow humans who have been lied to and are lying to others and often forcing religion on children indoctrinating them with lies over truth and it’s harming us all. You know, all the religious hate groups and religious violence stuff and the like. What I find interesting is how could a responsible caring ethical person stay silent against religions, that my friend is a much better question.

What is it to be Rational? I am a Rationalist.

As an atheist rationalist, I tend to filter everything through reason, empirical facts, and ethics before they can be accepted as justified, true or good.

I Don’t Have to Respect Ideas

People get confused ideas are not alive nor do they have beingness, Ideas don’t have rights nor the right to even exist only people have such a right. Ideas don’t have dignity nor can they feel violation only people if you attack them personally. Ideas don’t deserve any special anything they have no feelings and cannot be shamed they are open to the most brutal merciless attack and challenge without any protection and deserve none nor will I give them any if they are found wanting in evidence or reason.

I will never respect Ideas if they are devoid of merit I only respect people. When I was young it was all about me, I wanted to be liked. Then I got older and it was even more about me, I wanted power. Now I am beyond a toxic ego and it is not just about me, I want to make a difference. Sexism is that evil weed that can sadly grow even in the well-tended garden of the individual with an otherwise developed mind. Which is why it particularly needs to be attacked and exposed; and is why I support feminism. Here are four blogs on that: Activism Labels Matter, thus Feminism is NeededFeminist atheists as far back as the 1800s?Sexism in the Major World Religions and Rape, Sexism and Religion?

Having privilege in race, gender, sexuality, ability, class, nationality, etc. does not mean one did not have it hard in life, it just was not hard due to race, gender, sexuality, ability, class, nationality, etc. if one has privilege in that area.

Empathy: think in another’s thinking, try to feel their feeling, and care about their experience.

Theism is presented as adding love to your life… But to me, more often it peddles in ignorance (pseudo-science, pseudo-history, and pseudo-morality), tribalism (strong in-group loyalty if you believe like them and aversion to difference; like shunning: social rejection, emotional distance, or ostracism), and psychological terrorism; primarily targeting well being both safety and comfort (you are born a sinner, you are evil by nature, you are guilty of thought crimes, threats of misfortune, suffering, and torture “hell”).

Art by Damien Marie AtHope 

Hell yes, I am against the fraud that is the world religions.

Why not be against the promotion of woo-woo pseudo-truth, when I am very against all pseudo-science, pseudo-history, and pseudo-morality and the harm they can produce. Along with the hate, such as sexism and homophobia are too often seen or the forced indoctrination of children. And this coercive indoctrination of the world religions, with their pseudo-science, pseudo-history, and pseudo-morality mainly furthered by forced Hereditary Religion (family or cultural, religious beliefs forced on children because the parent or caregiver believes that way). This is sadly done, even before a child can be expected to successfully navigate reason; it’s almost as if religious parents believe their “woo-woo pseudo-truth” lies will not be so easily accepted if they wait on a mind that can make its own choice.

Because we do see how hard it is for the ones forced into Hereditary Religion. It seems difficult for them to successfully navigate reason in relation to their woo-woo pseudo-truth, found in a religion they were indoctrinationally taught to prefer, because after being instructed on how to discern pseudo-truth as truth than just wishing that their blind servitude belief in a brand of religious pseudo-truth devoid of justified, valid or reliable reason and evidence. I care because I am a rationalist, as well as an atheist.

Thus, this religious set of “woo-woo pseudo-truth” pushed on the simple-minded as truth bothers me greatly. So, here it is as simple as I can make it you first need a good thinking standard to address beliefs one may approach as a possible belief warranted to be believed. I wish to smash that lying pig of religion with the Hammer of Truth: Ontology, Epistemology, and Axiology Questions (a methodological use of philosophy). Overall, I wish to promote in my self and for others; to value a worthy belief etiquette, one that desires a sound accuracy and correspondence to the truth: Reasoned belief acquisitions, good belief maintenance, and honest belief relinquishment. May we all be authenticly truthful rationalists that put facts over faith.

I have made many mistakes in my life but the most common one of all is my being resistant to change. However, now I wish to be more, to be better, as I desire my openness to change if needed, not letting uncomfortable change hold me back. May I be a rationalist, holding fast to a valued belief etiquette: demanding reasoned belief acquisitions, good belief maintenance, and honest belief relinquishment.

Truth Navigation: Techniques for Discussions or Debates

Hammer of Truth: Investigate (ONTOLOGY), Expose (EPISTEMOLOGY), and Judge (AXIOLOGY)

 Reasons for or Types of Atheism

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