Hope is not the same as prayer

“Hope is similar as Praying, and i think people here aren’t really believers in prayers, so it should be same when for Hope, I think….no? In other words, how would someone convey the same message without the use of such expressions in their...


Kindness is not some act I try to do, it is a way of life I strive to follow. Similarly to how one’s character is not in a single thing done but a reflection of who one is. Just like one’s value is more in whom they are as a whole then only limited to a...

Classifying “Hidden” Bigotry

*If you are religious and believe you, because of your religion, must be against women’s rights, gay rights, or trans rights, you are a bigot; your religious beliefs do not make your hate immune or transformed from being bigoted.   *If your holy book states or can be...

Holy Books are not Harmless

Stop saying holy books are just harmless myths. Many holy books are far from harmless myths like Lord of the Rings. They are usually vile, harmful, hate and murder-fueled dogmatic propaganda with a few myths thrown in to further sell injustice, inequality, oppression,...

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