by Damien AtHope | Apr 13, 2017 | Short-writing or Quotes
“Damien, why is atheism a life freeing revelation as you state?” – Questioner My responce, “no more sin, and a new connectedness to this world and all people as I was no longer an unthoughtful afterworldsman. Science is the thing people do...
by Damien AtHope | Apr 13, 2017 | Short-writing or Quotes
FAITH is a mind splintered by reality confusion Why was faith so alluring from the start instead of just accepting the world as it is only natural? The understanding comes by seeing how primitive humankind were motivated by fear and misunderstanding which provides...
by Damien AtHope | Apr 13, 2017 | Short-writing or Quotes
Faith is delusional mind echoes Faith is a reason removed, nontangible, emotionally driven substance, stemming from a state of self-solace control born in the face of fear or knowledge egocentrism, as when one lacks understanding yet is claiming to...
by Damien AtHope | Apr 13, 2017 | Short-writing or Quotes
I am strong because I was once ok to feel weak and allowed myself the freedom to be ok to be who I was without self-disrespect. I wanted to be more, but building a house requires a strong foundation, so I worked on that first with self-love and kindness, even in my...
by Damien AtHope | Apr 13, 2017 | Short-writing or Quotes
I often look back on my life and it is hard to imagine those challenges that seemed so impassable and unachievable have disappeared. Now they seem manageable and insignificant. I must never forget my trials and struggles to achieve my triumphs. I must be slow to judge...
by Damien AtHope | Apr 13, 2017 | Short-writing or Quotes
Christofascism (christian and fascism) as well as Religiofascism (religion and fascism): I do atheist activism for the abuse I received from Christofascism parents and antireligionist at the world’s Religiofascism as so much out there, seemed a lot like them and even...