Happy Human?

I am not trying to say or act as if I am perfect, but my goal is to strive to be a more caring and understanding human being, as well as try to help others do the same. This is our planet, all humans are my people, and I want to help the world if I can.

We all need to see the benefit of showing more compassion, not to ideas but to people. Simply, we must be kinder to one another, even if we are different or believe differently, because people matter. I am just a happy human who is good without god! Upon hearing, that I am a humanist one person once said, “Damien, humanism is a dogma.”, My response, if caring about humanity is a dogma then it’s a dogma I am proud to promote.

The challenger went on, just be careful that caring doesn’t become imposing your will and dogma on others (for their own good). To which My response was, that we are imposing our thinking all the time just like you are trying to do with your words appealing to me to follow your offered ideas so much so that you are even adding emphasis to push your thoughts into me like mental obligation, yeah, all the time so are you really aware of your own thoughts?

I am a happy human and I wish a happy world.

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